Tag: feature

  • Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point – Part 5 Today

    REVIEW Today Darwin is blessed with a rich biodiversity. Lee Point holds the most visited reserve in the NT, Casuarina Coastal Reserve, which receives over 1M visits a year. Further there are magnificent beaches which host Migratory Shorebirds. Community awareness is key to keeping Migratory Shorebirds safe. These stunning statues and signs were designed by Larrakeyah artists. The…

  • Waterfront – What a front!

    Waterfront – What a front!

    WATERFRONT ‘WHAT A FRONT’? 2020 Plan Pathway to a better Darwin CAMPAIGN: Waterfront Foreshore &                    Jervois Park Public Access DAY/DATE: Saturday 1st August 2020 TIME:          4:00pm – 5:00pm LOCATION: Goyder Park,                    Kitchener Drive, Darwin Do Darwin citizens and tourists have a right to access crown land including the Waterfront (Wharf 2) foreshore and…

  • Tropical Garden Spectacular 2013

    Tropical Garden Spectacular 2013

    Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd of June, 2013. Held in the George Brown Botanic Gardens each year following on the long tradition of the annual Garden Show. Now promoting tropical living with an emphasis on all aspects of sustainability. Masses of stalls, under trees and open air pavilions, featuring a unique  range of government, …

  • Flagstaff Park History

    Flagstaff Park History

    With the assistance our our excellent state library here is some of the history of Flagstaff Park: Here is the part where our government promises open space for all territorians: Chief Minister Clare Martin and Lands and Planning Minister Kon Vatskalis today announced Lot 5180 will not be developed. Instead, it will be handed back…

  • Flagstaff Park – is it a restaurant or not?

    Flagstaff Park – is it a restaurant or not?

    Flagstaff Park On the drawings for Flagstaff Park consultation near item 14 there is a large shape almost as big as one of the Paspaley house blocks, what is this? PLan urge you make comment on the proposal which is being road showed at the moment. In the spots for any comments please consider “No Restaurants…

  • Housing on the RAAF Base is being wasted

    Housing on the RAAF Base is being wasted

    There is a severe shortage of reasonably priced residential accommodation in Darwin, both for purchase and rental. This means young adults are delaying leaving home, unless their parents can help fund them, and some new arrivals may not be able to afford settling here. Parts of Darwin, and Greater Darwin are being subjected to a…

  • Have Your Say. Stop the Rot!

    Have Your Say. Stop the Rot!

    Too many secret Planning deals without consultation, have your say and stop the rot! It’s time to tell the government that they are for the people and need to listen. Sign the petition now! Share this content

  • Community Comments  on the Greater Darwin Plan close at 4pm on Friday, 13 April, 2012

    Community Comments on the Greater Darwin Plan close at 4pm on Friday, 13 April, 2012

    YOU OPPORTUNITY TO SAY WHAT YOU DO AND DO NOT LIKE ABOUT THE PROPOSAL. On Friday 2 March, 2012, Chief Minister Henderson told TOPFM’s Daryl Manzie that there no further public consultation on the Greater Darwin PLan. He said it was because he said there had already been public consultation on it for a year.…

  • Defence of Darwin Museum

    Defence of Darwin Museum

    Is it a museum or a trivial tribute? [readon1 url=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106&Itemid=186″]Read More[/readon1] Share this content