About Us

PLan – the Planning Action Network Inc is a volunteer community group working for better urban and rural planning in the Northern Territory.

PLan collaborates with resident and community groups on matters including the built environment, heritage, cultural and environmental values of concern in the Northern Territory and Australia.PLan’s aim is to achieve, for the community, sustainability in terms of social, cultural, environmental and balanced long term economic impacts.

PLan’s specific objects as set out in its constitution are:

  • To be an apolitical, non-hierarchical organisation that reflects a co-operative network of people who are otherwise members of a local action group, or individuals interested in planning issues;
  • To achieve better living environments through community advocacy of good planning principles, incorporating natural, heritage, cultural and social values throughout the NT;
  • To provide a network communication medium for organisations and people active in planning issues;
  • To support community based action groups through the exchange of experience and co-ordination of resources, and to encourage and assist new community action groups;
  • To monitor proposed developments, and research responses;
  • To consider and develop expertise on wider planning issues;
  • To provide public education, increase public awareness, and debate in relation to planning issues;
  • To make representations on behalf of the community to relevant agencies or organisations, on particular, and general planning matters.

PLan is involved with:

  • Keeping public parks, foreshores, catchments & escarpments green.
  • Safeguarding public foreshores & escarpments & viewing points.
  • Encouraging good planning with harmony between the natural & built environments.
  • Ensuring greater community consultation in planning.
  • Promoting & advising local community groups in planning matters.
  • Supporting individuals, resident groups & other stakeholders at the Development Consent Authority.
  • Facilitating community/developer consultation before applications are drawn up, for “win-win” results.
  • Maintaining the monetary value of home investments.
  • Conserving natural, cultural & heritage values for local residents & the tourism industry.
  • Balance in the CBD, new suburbs & remote places.
  • Providing community facilities & transport options including cycling & light rail.
  • Managing Darwin Harbour as a natural asset for all, planning for infrastructure & responding to climate change.
  • Improving the Planning Act & Scheme & redefining the role of the Development Consent Authority.
  • Promoting open & accountable governance & ensuring strategic planning occurs.

PLan’s Checklist:

  • Balance
  • Amenity
  • Public ownership
  • Sustainable development
  • Green spaces in new suburbs
  • Community character
  • Public recreation
  • Youth facilities
  • Ecological systems
  • Tropical design
  • CBD design
  • Long term strategic planning
  • Heritage & cultural values
  • Land capability in Greater Darwin

PLan is always open to new members & input from everyone in the community, so why not join us & influence planning in the community.

pdfPLan’s Incorporation Certificate

docPLan’s Constitution

docMinutes of Meetings

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