Tropical Garden Spectacular 2013

Tropical Tropical Garden Spectacular Stalls

Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd of June, 2013.

Held in the George Brown Botanic Gardens each year following on the long tradition of the annual Garden Show.

Now promoting tropical living with an emphasis on all aspects of sustainability.

Masses of stalls, under trees and open air pavilions, featuring a unique  range of government,  council,  commercial,  community and individual offerings.

All kinds of crafts, plants, garden, Landcare, and horticultural  supplies and equipment.   A good opportunity to have your outdoor questions answered.
Also great for bumping into friends,  you have not seen since last year.

A central stage presents entertainment for young and old, and information sessions on all aspects of sustainability. Food and drink stalls and a sit down, are nearby.  Events like the thrilling Garden Olympics add to the excitement.

Enjoy a gentle morning or afternoon in the fresh air, in our wonderful botanic gardens.

The Tropical garden Spectacular is brought to us by the Nursery and Garden Industry of the NT and The Environment Centre of the NT.

Our Location

Our valued volunteers man the office Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 5.30pm. We are located at 8/1 Buffalo Court, Darwin.


Post: GPO Box 2513, Darwin, NT, 0801
Phone: 08 8927 1999
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
