Membership & Donations

PLan is an incorporated voluntary organization working towards a better living environment.

Our Financial year is from 1 January to 31 December each year.

Membership is only $25 per year.

2024 year now open - renew or join now and receive membership to the end of year 2024.

Donations are always welcome if you can afford it.

How you can pay your subscription

Payment can be made by cash in person.

Find us Thursday 5:30pm at 8/1 Buffalo Court Darwin NT "Raffles".

Cheques made out to: PLan: the Planning Action Network, and sent to:

The Treasurer,
PLan: the Planning Action Network, Inc,
GPO Box 2513,
Darwin,  0801

Payment by Bank transfer

Payments to be made to 'PLan: the Planning Action Network'

Bank: Bendigo Bank, Nightcliff, NT
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 136 691 540

Please make sure to identify yourself on the bank transfer.

In each case, please return, by hand, email, or mail, a copy of a membership form with your current details, also indicating renewal, or new membership, or those details separately.


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The Treasurer,
Plan: the Planning Action Network, Inc
GPO Box 2513, Darwin, NT 0801.

Membership Form.pdf

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Our Location

Our valued volunteers man the office Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 5.30pm. We are located at 8/1 Buffalo Court, Darwin.


Post: GPO Box 2513, Darwin, NT, 0801
Phone: 08 8927 1999
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
