Dear Friends,
The Minister for Planning has today in the media release below, has extended the time for comment on the proposed Greater Darwin Plan for two weeks longer. The new closing date for Greater Darwin Plan community comments is Friday, 13 April, 2012. Ring 89271999 if you want to read a hard copy.
Although this extension is welcome, the statement seems to make it clearer that the plan is not so much about growing a community fit for families to live in, but setting up Greater Darwin to support industrial development.
The second last paragraph states:
‘The Greater Darwin Plan has been developed in line with Territory 2030 targets to grow Darwin as a key centre for oil and gas, and an international hub for exports, education and health services and tourism’.
This is how the Minister sees it.
The Plan also incorporates city development policies which are more suitable for southern capitals than to tropical living. It depends on national planning and energy and standards which are not appropriate here. The plan would destroy the earlier good planning we have in our established suburbs.
This is being put forward to the community r your comment by the NT Government as if it is an overarching strategic long term general plan for Greater Darwin.
The plan has some good features, like providing more homes in and near some activity centres. However the detailed rules of how and where this is done must be in place before the Northern Territory Scheme(NTPS) is amended. These are the precincts being referred to.
Be aware that the actual instrument for the amendment which is up for public comment now is PA2012/0019. Approving this amendment. document would mean massive changes in planning and development in the Northern Territory because it includes massive detailed amendments to the NTPS. PA 2012/0019 also includes planning jargon words which have special meanings which would be legally binding once the proposed amendment in accepted.
Few are familiar with how NTPS.
PA 2012/0019 also includes planning jargon words which have special meanings which would be legally binding once the proposed amendment in accepted.
Therefore we recommend that if you are concerned about planning for the community, in any comments you make about the proposed outcomes of the plan in general, you specifically state that you cannot now support the proposed planning scheme amendment PA2012/0019.
A copy of PA2012/0019 is in the attachment below.
Other information, including the full GDP is provided on this website.
A public meeting has been organised for Thursday, 29 March, 2012, 5.30-6.30pm at the MAGNT Museum Theatrette, at Bullocjky Point.
Please join us. to discuss the issues from a community point of view.