Community Comments on the Greater Darwin PLan close at 4pm on 30 March, 2012

The official document which would need approval to implement the Greater Darwin Plan is

When you look at it you will see that it is a document to amend the Northern Territory Scheme (NTPS).

PLan has been working in planning for 15 years. The following points reflect our opion on the proposed amendment based on this experience. Planning is about the big picture.

This an ambit type change to basic principles which would change the whole nature of the scheme. Unfortunately, without experience in handling the NTPS, most members of the community would not realise the huge implications of the changed wording which would result.

Added to this is the fact than a lot of ‘jargon’ words are used which have a different legal planning meaning than the popular meaning. Combinations of some words may give a false impression.

Basically the document consists of changes which would lead to much denser building throughout Greater Darwin. This would reduce private open space, orientation of homes for natural cooling,  solar power, gardens and outside living.

The amendment would  weaken the zoning process. This would mean that residents would have less certainty about the areas they have invested their life savings in for their family home.

In other words, the new plan would encroach into our tropical way of life.  It is embracing ideas currently advocated in southern capitals which are rarely appropriate here when you think about it.

Recent developments in Lyons lead us to doubt the reality and applicability of proposed clauses 4.2 (g)-(j). The Northern suburbs are well planned by the Commonwealth particularly when compared Lyons built recently by developers. ‘Integrated’  has a special meaning for lots smaller than 800sm which is the Darwin minimum for a house. This has been the planning basis in Lyons.

‘Placemaking’ is a jargon word which does not the same as community planning, and the provision of parks and community facilities. Just beware if you make a response of the open possible implications for your way of life.

As the population grows we need more land release. PLan is all for cluster dwellings and other choices in housing.

Affordable housing depends on innovative ways of managing the development process, not upon squeezing in a denser built environment without proper.  People with ideas, as provided in the 2030 Affordable Housing Conference late last year, have yet to be properly assessed by the NT Government.


There is probably room for some increase in housing within Greater Darwin in certain precincts. However, this requires much more information,  analysis and  planning than we can commit to by endorsing PA2012/0019.  Approving this could provide virtual open slather fro developers and more chaos in planning.’

For more PLan background – Phone 89271999.

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