Our Shop 23 is generally open fro 1pm-5pm each Tuesday and Thursday, and sometimes on Sunday morning when the Rapid Creek Markets are on. PLan’s Shop 23 will be closed for the Christmas/New Year break from 5pm on 22nd December,…
Read the Kilgariff Enquiry by Design Forum Outcomes here The NT government says this “This booklet has been prepared to firstly document the Forum Outcomes, and secondly to provide a basis for further community discussion on the range of issues…
Mitchell Creek Catchment
Mitchell Creek is Palmerston’s unique urban catchment system. From near the Stuart Highway in the North, it runs into the Elizabeth River and Darwin Harbour in the South. Tributaries flow into the main stream like tree roots as seen from…
Kulaluk Lease Area
Introduction The Kulaluk Lease Area could be described as an area of open space close to Darwin CBD adjacent to the airport and the ocean. Share this content
Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point – Part 9 back Cover
REVIEW Dr Amanda Lilleyman holding a tagged Far Eastern Curlew in Darwin https://planinc.org.au/resouces/279-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-1-cover https://planinc.org.au/resouces/278-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-2-inside-cover https://planinc.org.au/resouces/280-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-3-history https://planinc.org.au/resouces/284-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-4-wildlife https://planinc.org.au/resouces/285-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-5-today https://planinc.org.au/resouces/274-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-6-activities https://planinc.org.au/resources/275-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-7-references https://planinc.org.au/resouces/286-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-8-inside-back-cover.html https://planinc.org.au/resouces/287-living-with-migratory-shorebirds-at-lee-point-part-9-back-cover.html Share this content
Richardson Park Redevelopment Proposal Now Abandoned!
The recent proposal, aggressively promoted by Planning Minister David Tollner, and Sports Minister Gary Higgins, to redevelop the derelict Harvey Norman Rugby League Stadium at Richardson park, Ludmilla was a real surprise to the Darwin Community. Lack or any prior…
Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point – Part 8 Inside Back Cover
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Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point – Part 5 Today
REVIEW Today Darwin is blessed with a rich biodiversity. Lee Point holds the most visited reserve in the NT, Casuarina Coastal Reserve, which receives over 1M visits a year. Further there are magnificent beaches which host Migratory Shorebirds. Community awareness is key…
Territory Labor listens to Bayview Community
Plan welcomes this statement by Territory Labor, and will continue to work in alliance with ECNT, Marine Conservation Society and residents of Bayview to protect the mangroves of Darwin Harbour. Share this content
Special Use Zones undermining our Planning Scheme
The government too readily believes developers’ claims their development will be affordable & sustainable only on the basis they can have their own private set of rules for their development & can ignore the Planning Scheme. This is planning by…
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