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  • This brilliant piece – a defence of community groups rights to object – was written by an objector after she was attacked in the paper for being a NIMBY. This is her response… Share this content

  • In a lull in CBD development a proposal was made by Even Lynn of Gwelo Investments and Hans Vos to develop a huge canal estate from East Point to Coconut Grove. There was a huge organised public reaction against this,…

  • Very disappointingly, in proposing the redeveloping of this site, the NT Government mandated that 20% of its area must be used up by residential blocks to pay for the cost of the park. In a compromise response to local consultation,…

  • Historically Flagstaff Park is a distinct area beyond the fence at the end of Myilly Point. This is where the NT Army Commander, and later Mr Justice Blackburn, lived in Flagstaff House, before Cyclone Tracy blew it away in 1974.…

  • Our northern capital survived being bombed and blown away only to have its heart torn out by rapacious development. By Nicholas Rothwell READER, come, and drive with me down the mean, degraded streets of the city I most love. Our…

  • PLan is an incorporated voluntary organization working towards a better living environment. Our Financial year is from 1 July to 30 June each year. Membership is only $25 per year. 2025 year now open – renew or join now and…

  • Australian Labor PartyNT Branch http://www.nt.alp.org.au/Ph: 08 8981 3801Fax: 08 8981 3303Email Territory Labor Country Liberals http://www.countryliberals.org.au/info@countryliberals.org.au Independent Parliamentary Members http://notes.nt.gov.au/lant/members/Members1.nsf/Members/By%20Party?OpenView&Start=1&Count=300&Expand=2#2 NT Greens http://nt.greens.org.au/ NT Parliament http://www.nt.gov.au/lant/index.shtmlPh: 08 8946 1512Fax: 08 8941 2558Email: LA TABLE OFFICE Darwin City Council http://www.darwin.nt.gov.au/ 08…

  • PLan has moved to 8/1 Buffalo Court, Darwin. This is the Raffles building.  Our valued volunteers man the office Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 5.30pm: Phone: 08 8927 1999 or 0447 499 794 Email: info@planinc.org.au We can be contacted by post…

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