• NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIAPlanning Act – sections 54 and 55DEVELOPMENT PERMITDP18/0131DESCRIPTION OF LAND THE SUBJECT OF THE PERMITLot 03940Town of Darwin25 MITCHELL ST, DARWIN CITYAPPROVED PURPOSETo use and develop the land for the purpose of a 3 – storey underground…

  • Here is the baby Boab tree dated 1911, and the other school building across Wood Street on the PO Carpark site. Supplied by Judy Boland. The trees near by may be Milkwoods. Share this content

  •   Dear Editor Why does bushland have to be cleared when the Property Council of the NT’s ‘accurate’ assessment of vacant residential land found ‘more than 5,300 blocks’ likely to be available (NT News September 19, 2018)? 500 of these…

  • TO THE NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT, PLan’s NOTES ON THE NTG’s PROPOSED ‘PLANNING REFORM’. Please find in the attached pdf, notes on the above documents prepared by PLan: the Planning Action Network, Inc. PLan_NOTES_ON_THE_NTG-last.pdf   TO THE NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT, PLan’s…

  • https://theconversation.com/tweet-all-about-it-people-in-parks-feel-more-positive-95290 People in parks are more positive, and around areas like major transport hubs more negative, according to analysis of 2.2 million tweets in Melbourne. Share this content

  • Developing the North: Supporting Jobs through the Contemporary Management of Pastoral Land 15 August 2018 Today, the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly is debating proposed amendments to the Pastoral Land Legislation Amendment Bill 2017, in a bid to ensure the contemporary…

  • Hi Everyone, A new fracking map is now available online and it is shocking!  The map, dated July 2018, shows almost all of the NT covered in applications (light purple) and granted permits (dark purple), with very few reserved areas…

  • DEPARTMENT OFTHE CHIEF MINISTER Population Research ReportSummary Synthesising Northern Territory PopulationResearch: A report to the Northern TerritoryDepartment of the Chief Minister A report on twelve years of population research, the causes andconsequences of population change in the Territory, and evidencebased…

  • Dual Occupancy Correspondence This email is in two sections, dealing with two separate issues, and lots. (See advert below). Section A We have now had a chance to see the full text of the EDP advertisement which we were apparently…

  • PLanning Bazaar  II You are invited to hear from real people who are tackling the issues facing the Territory today. Community activists and organisations bring you updates and stories. PLan: the PLanning Action Network hosts a talk fest at Bagot…

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