Little mindil

The Unfinished Saga of Little Mindil

We remain actively concerned about the future development of Little Mindil which the public expects to remain largely open space.

When this lot was ‘won’ by Sky City Casino, through the competitive NT Government ‘Expression of Interest’ process, the public were told that the Casino’s bid was chosen because the land would be used for public events, spread throughout the year. This would allow other casino land to be used for extensions to its hotel.

Remarks at a recent DCA hearing, and the NT News, alerted us to apparent plans to build units on the Little Mindil Escarpment. Both the Escarpment and the creek line are to be professionally rehabilitated. PLan and Landcare groups had always emphasised to Casino management, the importance of the Escarpment environmentally, and had met with no argument over this.

The NRETAS departmental report to Development Assessment Services (DPI DAS) officially recommended to the DCA that the Mindil Beach Escarpment and the land along the creek near existing Sky City Casino car park should be zoned CN (Conservation). This should have prevented building in either of these zones. Strangely the DCA ignored these recommendations, leaving the land vulnerable to construction after the Casino gains freehold title of the lot. Building on the Mindil Escarpment would be travesty, and betrayal.

The NT Government must make sure this cannot happen. Over 6000 people signed petitions to save this crown land for the people. Ownership of the foreshore by the public (not just access) is an Australian tradition. It was well established in this area by the long ago creation of Mindil Beach Reserve, before the Casino was first built. At the recent hearing, the representative for the Casino refused to allow the DCA, or the public, to view the proposed agreement with the government. Another secret deal on the future of key public land! Another public consultation denied!

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