Tag: no
PLan Annual General Meeting 2020
PLan’s Meetings | Events, Past & Present | Current Events | Past Events Current Events Notice of Annual General Meeting PLan – the Planning Action Network Inc is a volunteer community group working for better urban and rural planning in the Northern Territory.PLan invites members and interested parties to our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.Details of the…
It is your Lee Point
There is now a Save Lee Point Website. Please see here: https://saveleepoint.org.au/ You can sign the petition here: Save Lee Point Petition (actionnetwork.org) It’s your Lee Point This campaign is about having land at Lee Point rezoned to encourage the efficient use of land, infrastructure and services for Darwin residents. The land at Lee Point zoned…
Towers Threaten Botanical Gardens
Like a shell and pea switch game the practice of selling Community Purpose land to developers hides the obvious outcome. Without confirming that the Community wants the asset to be relinquished government sells land like the top of the escarpment over the Botanical Gardens. Then all the purchasing developer has to do is apply for a…
Who owns Darwin Esplanade?
November 2022, https://planinc.org.au/18-government-a-council-consultations/313-report-on-consultation-on-the-greening-of-the-esplanade-cenotaph-presented-at-the-ordinary-council-meeting-of-25-october-2022.html It seems to us that the City of Darwin (Darwin City Council) has veered off the rails in a big way. Many decisions that affect the assets of the City of Darwin are being taken in secret. The principal stakeholders, the rate payers of Darwin, are the last to hear of the latest…
Land planning favours developers, says residents group
Alice Springs News 30 November 2019 – https://www.alicespringsnews.com.au/2019/11/29/land-planning-favours-developers-says-residents-group/ Land planning favours developers, says residents group By ERWIN CHLANDA The proposed removal of “amenity” would turn the Planning Act into a law even more serving developers rather than the whole community, says Margaret Clinch, campaigner over the last 25 years for a bottom-up approach to land…