Tag: feature

  • Old Asti Motel Site

    Old Asti Motel Site

    Make a submission You can make a submission by emailing das.ntg@nt.gov.au You must sign your uploaded submission to ensure that it is valid under the Planning Act. A valid signed submission includes a hand-signed document that is scanned and/or photographed; a name typed at the bottom of an email or uploaded document; or a JPG (or similar)…

  • Amendment to Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan

    Amendment to Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan

    Hello Everyone, This is closing on the 15th of April 2022. Please return to this page as we will be updating over the next few days. PROPOSAL TO AMEND NT PLANNING SCHEME PA2022/0011 PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE NT PLANNING SCHEME 2020 TO INCLUDE THE HOLTZE TO ELIZABETH RIVER SUBREGIONAL LAND USE PLAN AS A POLICY…

  • Fannie Bay and Malak Park Upgrades – comment required.

    Fannie Bay and Malak Park Upgrades – comment required.

    Community are being asked to comment on: Football NT and Port Darwin Football Club are proposing the construction of a new change room and sporting facility at Fannie Bay Oval to better support users of the oval. The proposed facility includes women’s and girl’s change rooms, female-friendly referee and parenting rooms, storeroom, office and canteen.…

  • Newsletter 5 Feb 2022

    Newsletter 5 Feb 2022

    Here is our first newsletter for 2022. Introduction A busy time with PLan being successful in a small grant to encourage volunteers. So if you have some free time we can provide transport to bring you into the office and return you home. The application to create 7 house blocks on Rapid Creek Road each…

  • Rapid Creek Road – Thin Edge of the Wedge

    Rapid Creek Road – Thin Edge of the Wedge

    Closing 18th February 2022 – Public Meeting 5:30 Monday 14th February opposite 37 Rapid Creek Road This is a very concerning application that will change the amenity of Rapid Creek Road and create an unacceptable precedent in the northern suburbs. Tropics Consultancy Group has applied to the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics for an Exceptional Development Permit…

  • Playford Street Racecourse Creek clearing

    Playford Street Racecourse Creek clearing

    Sue of Fannie Bay asks who made the decision to close the Parap Pool for maintenance in the middle of the school holidays and the hottest time of the year? The answer is the City of Darwin (COD) and as a resident next to the Playford street Racecourse Creek / Drain I can report on…

  • A Nice Little Earner

    A Nice Little Earner

    Infrastructure NT Commissioner Appointed 26 January 2022 The Territory Government has appointed Ms Louise McCormick to the role of Commissioner for Infrastructure NT. Over the past 16 years Louise has worked in the Northern Territory, she has been involved in planning, delivery and management of some of the Territory’s largest and most complex infrastructure projects and…

  • Save Little Mindil – NTEPA process is closingfe

    Save Little Mindil – NTEPA process is closingfe

    Hello, Here is a quick round up of PLan related activities for this week. Save Little Mindil Save Little Mindil NTEPA Submissions close midnight Tuesday 2nd November. There are just a few days until the NTEPA (Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority) consultation on the Little Mindil fiasco closes. It is vital that the NTEPA understands…

  • Darwin council’s motion to halt the development of Lee Point is cause for serious concern: Urban Development Institute

    Darwin council’s motion to halt the development of Lee Point is cause for serious concern: Urban Development Institute

    In response to the recent commentary by Catriona Tatam who is the chief executive of the Urban Development Institute of Australia NT. The City of Darwin is to be congratulated for stepping up to bring awareness of a serious failure of the planning process to bring the community along with the development of Darwin. As…

  • Asti Motel Site

    Asti Motel Site

    I live adjacent to a large “dead” site known as the Asti Motel. There is a new development proposal see here: https://planinc.org.au/news/current-campaigns-2/309-old-asti-site.html Some seven and a half years ago the site stalled, and Larrakeyah has been living with temporary fencing on three street fronts and a massive pit in the ground that holds water year-round. In…