Submissions | Research | Membership | Contact Issue 582: 16 August 2018 Becoming connected By Chief Advocate Ian Henschke If you’re reading this on line, you’re one of the ‘connected’. But I’m sure you know someone who isn’t. The e-Saf

Submissions Research Membership Contact
Issue 582: 16 August 2018

Becoming connected

By Chief Advocate Ian Henschke

If you’re reading this on line, you’re one of the ‘connected’. But I’m sure you know someone who isn’t.

The e-Safety Commissioner recently released a report that revealed “around 2.7 million Australians over 50 have little or no engagement in the online world”.

That’s a remarkable figure given there are 8.5 million Australians over 50. To put it another way, almost one in three are on the wrong side of the digital divide and they’re paying a high price for that disconnectedness.

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