St Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul

Why is this petition important? Sign here:

  • Development is inappropriate in primary surge zone;
  • Where will services be provided from during storm surge?
  • Application doesn’t demonstrate there is no link between anti-social behaviour in Stuart Park and the existing Ozanam House;
  • Impact on safety of other bus users;
  • No formal traffic assessment undertaken or provided, and should be required;
  • Ability for aging road and pedestrian infrastructure to cope with increased demand;
  • Concerns regarding potential for emergency vehicle access
  • Permanent facility should be developed elsewhere, with no need for interim option;
  • Proposed land use is incompatible with surrounding residential and commercial land uses;
  • Proposed land use is not appropriate in residential / commercial area;
  • Subject land is in close proximity to a number of premises with Liquor Licenses, including within walking distance of the Nightcliff BWS;
  • Subject land is 200 metres from supermarket and bottle shop;
  • Lack of Community Consultation;
  • Exhibition Signs were not noticed;
  • 14 days is insufficient time to respond.
  • What measures are in place to provide transport, services, shelter and ensure security for / from users outside of operating times?;
  • Intended transport to where people are staying is contradictory to intention to provide service to homeless;
  • Clearing of native vegetation is not
  • Will adversely impact local fauna species and reduce potential for vegetation to mitigate impacts from flooding and storm surge, including soil erosion;
  • Nothing in application to limit time period to 3 years.
  • Scepticism that proposed facility will be temporary.
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