Specific Use Zones undermining our Planning Scheme

The government too readily believes developers’ claims their development will be affordable & sustainable only on the basis they can have their own private set of rules for their development & can ignore the Planning Scheme. This is planning by the developers. They contradict the NT Planning Scheme and ignore community aspirations.

What is a specific use? See 2.4 of the NT Planning Scheme:

2.4 Specific Use Zones

  1. Despite anything to the contrary in this Planning Scheme, land described in Schedule 1 (Specific Use Zones) may be used or developed as specified in the Schedule subject to any conditions specified in the Schedule and any further conditions imposed by the consent authority.
  2. The provisions of Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 apply to development described in Schedule 1 except where they conflict with any conditions specified in that Schedule.

How many do we currently have in the NT? – 71 in total as at 30-9-11 and many more on the way.
Alice Springs – 5, Darwin – 34, Katherine – 5, Litchfield – 13, Palmerston – 7, Others – 7 (Brewer Estate, Crab Claw Island, King Ash Bay, Kings Canyon, Lake Bennett, Namarada, Pellew).

This clause enables the developers and planners to ignore the rules in our Scheme when developing land.

It means that we can no longer rely on the amenity of the area into which we have invested our life (and our saving) being retained.

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