Review of the Planning Act

Stage 3 of consultation on Planning Reform is now open. 7 October – 29 November 2019

The NT Government is now seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Planning Act. The proposed changes are set out in detail in the Consultation Draft of a Bill of Amendments to the Planning Act 1999.

Release of the consultation draft Bill is accompanied by a suite of supporting documents that provide context about how the changes to the Act will work with other changes to the planning system to implement planning reform.

We have attached the documents here. To see them in context visit:

You will need to create an account to make an online comment.




Here is a thought, what does Amenity mean in the following?

Merit Assessable – development that requires the exercise of discretion by the consent authority to ensure it can be established and operated in a way that does not impact on the amenity of the area and accords with the relevant zone purpose and outcomes.

And changes to notifications

Notification streams for development applications
Two new streams of notification will be introduced for development applications requiring public notification:
Local notification – for minor developments that only have localised impacts. Applications will be simplified and notification will only be required to immediate local residents by letter and a sign on the land. Newspaper advertisement will not be required. (our emphasis)
Designated development – for developments that require greater community consultation due to their location or nature. The minimum exhibition period for designated developments will be increased to 28 days.
Consultation will occur later in the reform process to determine which developments will be subject to the new notification streams. The Regulations will list the types of development that will be subject to each stream.
The existing standard notification requirements, including newspaper advertising, will continue to apply to most development applications.

More to come, the web site advises there will be public consultation sessions we have asked where and when?



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