Review of the Planning Act part 2 – Consultation

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, on behalf of the Northern Territory Government has recently commenced the third round of consultation on Planning Reform.

With feedback and comments we received from the previous consultation and exhibition, we recognise that the reforms are quite technical, complex and interrelated.  In order to enhance understanding of the planning reforms, we propose to hold a briefing session followed by working sessions/workshop for targeted interest groups.

We would like to invite you to participate in an information session and workshop.  The intention is provide clarification of proposals presented in the documentation released for consultation and provide the opportunity to workshop issues of particular interest to Darwin residents and community groups.  A second information / workshop session is to be held in Palmerston to facilitate engagement with Palmerston and rural residents.

The focus of the consultation is to identify and obtain your comment on:

•          The changes proposed which will have the greatest benefits;

•          Whether the proposed changes reasonably address your issues; and

•          Any additional changes to the Act or Planning Scheme considered necessary.




















Please rsvp one of the above dates

As previously advised you can find out more about the current round of consultation, download the consultation documents and make a submission online at

Submissions close 29 November 2019.

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