Territory Labor listens to Bayview Community

Plan welcomes this statement by Territory Labor, and will continue to work in alliance with ECNT, Marine Conservation Society and residents of Bayview to protect the mangroves of Darwin Harbour.


Shadow Minster for Lands and Planning, Natasha Fyles today announced that the proposed Bayview Boulevarde development would not proceed under a Territory Labor Government.

Ms Fyles said local Labor Candidate for Fong Lim, Jeff Collins, ensured the strong opposition to the proposed development was heard loud and clear by Territory Labor.

“Jeff has listened to the community and is standing up to oppose this development,” Ms Fyles said.

“Jeff’s representations mean that Territory Labor understands the concerns of affected residents.

“We know that residents are worried about the impact this development would have on traffic volumes, property prices and the damage it would cause to the local environment, particularly the effect on mangroves and Darwin Harbour.

“This CLP Government has an appalling record of riding roughshod over the concerns of local residents on controversial development.

“Their record on assessing the environmental impact of major development in environmentally sensitive areas is equally woeful.

“This development will not proceed under a Territory Labor Government.

“It’s time for Planning Minister and local MLA Dave Tollner to stand up for the residents of Bayview and oppose this development.

“While he’s at it, he should suggest his Chief of Staff, and CLP candidate for Fong Lim, Mr Tim Dixon do the same.

“Bayview residents deserve to know where their candidates stand on this issue.”

Contact Gino Luglietti: 0401 119 794

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