Parliament House Car Park




Planning Act – sections 54 and 55
Lot 03940
Town of Darwin
To use and develop the land for the purpose of a 3 – storey underground carpark (450 spaces), in
accordance with the attached schedule of conditions and the endorsed plans.
Subject to the provisions of sections 58, 59 and 59A of the Planning Act, this permit will lapse two
years from the date of issue.
Development Consent Authority
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1. Prior to the endorsement of plans and prior to the commencement of works (including site
preparation, but excluding any Archaeological Investigations required by the Heritage Branch,
DTC), the applicant is to provide in principle approval from the Power and Water Corporation
(Water Services) for any proposed building encroachment within the sewerage easement at the
rear southern corner of the site.
2. Prior to the endorsement of plans and prior to the commencement of works (including site
preparation, but excluding any Archaeological Investigations required by the Heritage Branch,
DTC), a landscape plan to the satisfaction of the consent authority must be submitted to and
approved by the consent authority.When approved, the plan will be endorsed and will then form
part of the permit. The plan must be drawn to scale with dimensions and must show:
a) a survey (including botanical names) of all existing vegetation to be retained and/or removed;
b) details of surface finishes of pathways and driveways;
c) a planting schedule of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, including botanical
names, common names, pot sizes, sizes at maturity, and quantities of each plant;
d) provision of an in ground irrigation system to all landscaped areas;
e) details of any proposed lighting;
f) details of any public facilities;
g) provision for hosting public events; and
h) provision of bicycle racks at surface level.
All species selected must be to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
3. Prior to the endorsement of plans and prior to the commencement of works (including site
preparation, but excluding any Archaeological Investigations required by the Heritage Branch,
DTC), a traffic impact assessment report is to be prepared by a suitably qualified traffic engineer
with attention to vehicular, pedestrian, cyclist and public transport issues, including:
a) an assessment of the suitability for access from Herbert Street, Bennet Street and Mitchell
Street which considers pre and post development volumes; and
b) details of the extent to which the carpark will be utilised as a public or private car park and
the intent of its occupancy in terms of short term (High turnover or all day parking).
The report should identify any necessary upgrades to the surrounding street network to the
requirements of the City of Darwin, to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
4. Prior to the endorsement of plans and prior to the commencement of works (including site
preparation, but excluding any Archaeological Investigations required by the Heritage Branch,
DTC), a schematic plan demonstrating the on-site collection of stormwater and its discharge
into the City of Darwin’s stormwater drainage system shall be submitted to and approved by the
City of Darwin, to the satisfaction of the consent authority. The plan shall include details of site
levels and Council’s stormwater drain connection point/s. The plan shall also indicate how
stormwater will be collected on the site and connected underground to Council’s system.
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5. Prior to the commencement of works (including site preparation, but excluding any Archaeological
Investigations required by the Heritage Branch, DTC), a qualified person experienced in the
investigation and assessment of contaminated land, must provide clearance that the grounds
of the site are free of contaminants. This clearance will form part of this permit and must be
provided to the Environment Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
6. Prior to the commencement of works (including site preparation, but excluding any Archaeological
Investigations required by the Heritage Branch, DTC), a Construction Environmental Management
Plan (CEMP) for the management and operation of the use must be prepared to the requirements
of an independent suitably qualified professional and submitted to and approved by the consent
authority upon the advice of City of Darwin. When approved, the CEMP will be endorsed and
will then form part of the permit. The use must at all times be conducted in accordance with the
endorsed plan. The CEMP must include:
(a) waste management;
(b) traffic control;
(c) haulage routes;
(d) stormwater drainage;
(e) use of City of Darwin land; and
(e) day to day management requirements for the use.
7. Prior to the commencement of works (including site preparation, but excluding any Archaeological
Investigations required by the Heritage Branch, DTC), the applicant is to prepare a dilapidation
report covering infrastructure within the road reserve to the requirements of the City of Darwin,
to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
8. The works carried out under this permit shall be in accordance with the drawings endorsed as
forming part of this permit.
9. The use and/ or development as shown on the endorsed plans must not be altered without the
further consent of the consent authority.
10.Any developments on or adjacent to any easements on site shall be carried out to the
requirements of the relevant service authority to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
11.The owner of the land must enter into agreements with the relevant authorities for the provision
of water supply, drainage, sewerage and electricity facilities to the land shown on the endorsed
plan in accordance with the authorities’ requirements and relevant legislation at the time.
12.Stormwater is to be collected and discharged into the drainage network to the technical standards
of and at no cost to City of Darwin to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
13.The kerb crossovers and driveways to the site approved by this permit are to meet the technical
standards of City of Darwin, to the satisfaction of the consent authority. The owner shall:
(a) remove disused vehicle and/ or pedestrian crossovers;
(b) provide footpaths/cycleways;
(c) collect stormwater and discharge it to the drainage network; and
(d) undertake reinstatement works.
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All to the technical requirements of and at no cost to the City of Darwin, to the satisfaction of the
consent authority.
14.Before the use of the development starts, the areas set-aside for the parking of vehicles and
access lanes as shown on the endorsed plans must be:
(a) constructed;
(b) properly formed to such levels that they can be used in accordance with the plans;
(c) surfaced with an all-weather-seal coat;
(d) drained;
(e) line marked to indicate each car space and all access lanes; and
(f) clearly marked to show the direction of traffic along access lanes and driveways
to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
Car spaces, access lanes and driveways must be kept available for these purposes at all times.
15.Before the use of the development starts, the landscaping works shown on the endorsed plans
must be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
16.The landscaping shown on the endorsed plans must be maintained to the satisfaction of the
consent authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced.
17.No fence, hedge, tree or other obstruction exceeding a height of 0.6m is to be planted or erected
so that it would obscure sight lines at the junction of the driveway and the public street.
18.All pipes, fixtures, fittings and vents servicing any building on the site must be concealed in
service ducts or otherwise hidden from view to the satisfaction of the consent authority.
19.Storage for waste bins is to be provided to the requirements of the City of Darwin to the
satisfaction of the consent authority.
20.Appropriate soil erosion, sediment and dust control measures must be effectively implemented
throughout the construction stage of the development and all disturbed soil surfaces must be
suitably stabilised against erosion at completion of works, to the satisfaction of the consent
21.Dust control measures must be employed throughout the construction stage of the development
to the requirements of the Environment division of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, to the satisfaction of the consent authority
1. The Power and Water Corporation advises that the Water and Sewer Services Development
Section ( and Power Network Engineering Section
( should be contacted via email a minimum of 1
month prior to construction works commencing to determine the Corporation’s servicing
requirements, and the need for upgrading of on-site and/or surrounding infrastructure
2. Notwithstanding the approved plans, any proposed works (including landscaping and awnings)
within the City of Darwin’s road reserve is subject to approval and shall meet all requirements
to the satisfaction of the City of Darwin, at no cost to Council.
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3. Notwithstanding the approved plans, all signage is subject to City of Darwin approval, at no cost
of Council.
4. The City of Darwin advises that all street trees shall be protected at all times during construction.
Any tree on a footpath, which is damaged or removed during construction, shall be replaced, to
the satisfaction of the General Manager Infrastructure, City of Darwin. A Tree Protection Zone
(TPZ) shall be constructed for all existing trees to be retained within the development, in
accordance with Australian Standards – AS 4970-2009 “Protection of Trees on Development
5. A “Permit to Work Within a Road Reserve” will be required from the City of Darwin before
commencement of any work within the road reserve.
6. The permit holder is advised that it is an offence to clearing operation, cease operation and
please phone Heritage Branch of the Department of Tourism and Culture.
7. The permit holder is advised that the proposal may have assessment implications under the
Waste Management and Pollution Control Act. More information can be found on the Northern
Territory Environment Protection Authority website at:
The applicant is encouraged to contact the NT EPA on (08) 8924 4218 or
8. The Environment Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources advises
that during the excavation, the basement may fill with turbid sediment laden stormwater. The
proponent should ensure that any pit – water discharged from the development is in accordance
with their document Guidelines to prevent pollution from building sites.
9. The Environment division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources advises
that construction work should be conducted in accordance with the Authority’s Noise Guidelines
for Development Sites in the Northern Territory. The guidelines specify that on-site construction
activities are restricted to between 7am and 7pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 6pm Sunday
and Public Holidays. For construction activities outside these hours refer to the guidelines for
further information
10.Any proposed works which fall within the scope of the Construction Industry Long Service Leave
and Benefits Act must be notified to NT Build by lodgement of the required Project Notification
Form. Payment of any levy must be made prior to the commencement of any construction activity.
NT Build should be contacted via email ( or by phone on 08 89364070 to
determine if the proposed works are subject to the Act.
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