
Newsletter 5 Feb 2022

Here is our first newsletter for 2022.


A busy time with PLan being successful in a small grant to encourage volunteers. So if you have some free time we can provide transport to bring you into the office and return you home.

The application to create 7 house blocks on Rapid Creek Road each less than 300sqm is very concerning. Meanwhile a double barrelled amendment to the Planning Act is coming through with some novel ideas on cutting community out of the process.

A year later Bagot Park and the Velodrome are back on the agenda.

While Little Mindil is back with the developer we need to keep the awareness going. We have more flyers ready for distribution.

We are holding a workshop on Flagstaff Park see below for more details.

We have t-shirts, calendars and now the Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point book is available for purchase. To read the book online go here: Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point

Memberships are open and any donations gratefully received here: Memberships and Donations

Rapid Creek Road – Thin Edge of the Wedge

Closing 18th February 2022

This is a very concerning application that will change the amenity of Rapid Creek Road and create an unacceptable precedent in the northern suburbs.

Tropics Consultancy Group has applied to the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics for an Exceptional Development Permit (EDP) for the purpose of a subdivision and consolidation to create 11 lots (with 7 lots less than 300m2) and a building envelope plan on Lots 1257, 1258 and 1259 (1 Brooks Place, 37 Rapid Creek Road and 14 Aldridge Place, Milner) Town of Nightcliff.

Join us at the Public Meeting: 5:30 Monday 14th February opposite 37 Rapid Creek Road.

You don’t need a development permit for a permitted use

From the desk of Planning Reform Team, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

This closes Midnight Friday, 4 March 2022

The attachments are on the Plan website here: Permit not required

Here is an extract which appears to be concerning:

Establishing a Permitted Use Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Page 1 of 3

A permitted use under the NT Planning Scheme 2020 may not require a development permit.

However, if property is within a building control area, building certification may be required.

You don’t need a development permit for a permitted use if the development:

  • meets all planning requirements, and
  • does not require consent because of an overlay

Playford Street Tree Clearing

This extract from an article by a local resident:

In 2014 the former Lord Mayor and officials visited my home after some large trees were cut down by the COD under the excuse of “tree roots create mosquito breeding sites in the drain/creek”, so the trees have to go. The former Lord Mayor said future trees and native grass would be encouraged to grow in the area and trees won’t be felled again.

However, on 7 December 2021, COD contractors turn up and start chain-sawing down trees in the creek/drain area and using a crane to lift them out. The COD advised this was to remove coffee bush – but no coffee bush was being cut – just trees, on the banks, floor and tops of the drain / creek.

Read the full story here: Playford Street Tree Clearing

Lee Point Art Competition – opens soon

The Lee Point Art Competition is free and open to anyone 18 years or younger in the Territory. The artwork needs to be visual and can be: painting, drawing, prints, photo, sculpture or short video. The artworks will be judged on their idea, uniqueness and art characteristics.

The prize pool is $1,500 and growing!

Read the full story here: https://saveleepoint.org.au/lee-point-art-competition

PLan events coming up:

Saving Flagstaff Park- Urgent Alert!!!

SUBJECT:     Flagstaff Park Submission Writing Workshop

DAY/DATE: Thursday 17th February 2022

TIME:           4:30pm – 6:30pm

LOCATION: Raffles Plaza

Suite 8 / Level 1

1 Buffalo Court


RSVP:   info@planinc.org.au

MISC:    Stationery, drinks and nibbles supplied

DESCRIPTION: This PLan workshop is to secure Flagstaff Park in future, for all.

On 5 February 2003, Clare Martin as Chief Minister, by Government Media Release, declared Flagstaff Park,

at the end of Myilly Point, to be ‘handed back to the people as a public park’, and not built on.

Instead, it ‘would be preserved for future generations, for the use and enjoyment of all Territorians.’

Flagstaff Park (Lot 5180) was then rezoned to PS (Public Space) for ‘the use and enjoyment of all Territorians.’

‘This Government’, she said, ‘believes the character of Darwin as a city should be built around a balance of open space and development.’

But in 2020 came a proposal for change to the rezoning of Flagstaff Park.

Please join us for the workshop.

More information about Flagstaff Park at: https://planinc.org.au/news/current-campaigns-3/138-flagstaff-park-history.html

  • Next Committee meetingis Thursday 3rd March
  • Next AGMis Saturday 23rd April 2022 5:30pm venue to be advised

Bagot Park

Advice is that the long-awaited community engagement plan will be going public on February 14th with on-line workshops and surveys.

Read more here: Bagot Park Update


Nick Kirlew, Convener, PLan: The Planning Action Network,

Mobile: 0447 499 794

Email: nick@planinc.org.au

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