Living with Migratory Shorebirds at Lee Point

Migratory shorebirds that visit Australia are under threat from loss of habitat in many parts of the world. Their coastal habitat is being built on or disturbed by people, all of which means that these birds are unable to make their long migrations to breed. Australia and other countries need to look after their migratory shorebird habitats if these birds are to survive.

Early in 2020 PLan: The Planning Action Network in collaboration with BirdLife Top End received a $20,000 Communities Environmental Program Grant.

This project aims to engage with the local community close to the Casuarina Coastal Reserve (CCR) to improve the conservation outcomes of threatened migratory shorebirds. The project has three aims to:

1) raise awareness of the value of migratory shorebirds in the CCR within the local community,

2) establish feasibility study to ensure best practice environmental outcomes based on previous work, and

3) protect and maintain important conservation and historical military sites within the CCR through community stewardship.

As a part of this project volunteers aim to produce an easy to read, fun activity public awareness campaign to highlight the vulnerability of the Migratory Shorebirds adjacent to Casuarina Coastal Reserve

The outcome is hopefully to engage diverse groups of people to become caring suburban citizens, become aware of migratory shorebirds, flora and fauna and advocate and support local community groups who work to protect the natural environment from unnecessary urban development.

We hope you enjoy this celebration of a special location adjacent to our city.

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