parliament house rally 2016

Have Your Say. Stop the Rot!

Too many secret Planning deals without consultation, have your say and stop the rot! It’s time to tell the government that they are for the people and need to listen.

Sign the petition now!

Update: About 200 people were present!

This peaceful Planning Rally held at Parliament House, Darwin, Sunday 22nd May 2016, organised, by Carol Phayer, was a great success, bringing people together, from adversely affected parts of Greater Darwin.
Guest speakers outlined the effects of adverse and socially destructive decisions by Planning Minister David Tollner and the NT Planning Commissioner Gary Nairn.

The issues included:

  1. The proposed extension of 26 hectares to Bayview, causing huge destruction of Sadgrove Creek mangroves.
  2. Refusal of Minister Tollner to Heritage List the Kulaluk Lease at Ludmilla, as applied for by the Larrakia Nation. This was in the face of 225 public submissions, and an unanimous recommendation by the Heritage Council.
  3. Refusal of Minister Tollner to enforce the removal of the polluting Kulaluk Stockpile, on Conservation zoned land at Ludmilla, as can be seen from Dick Ward Drive.
  4. Refusal of Minister Tollner to enforce prosecution for illegal clearing of No 1 Boulter Road.
  5. Danger to Flagstaff Park zoned as a park for public recreation since 2003, and dedicated to the people of Darwin since 2001 by Clare Martin from being privatised. This is endangered by Chief Minister’s EOI drive for a six star hotel to suit overseas high roller gamblers. Flagstaff Park is an undeveloped, but historically significant headland landmark lookout, with panoramic views of Darwin Harbour. It is all crown land, and a public asset.
    Paspaley Properties, who own none of Flagstaff Park, wish to trash it as a parking area, and entrance to a hotel below.
  6. Litchfield residents strongly oppose the huge growth of population planned to be imposed by the NT Planning Commission on their rural lifestyle without proper consultation.
  7. The rash of large subdivisions being proposed on Litchfield rural land which lacks suburban infrastructure. Huge demands being placed on bore water. Noonamah Ridge and Cyrus Rioad are examples. Lowther Road is also a concern/
  8. Failure of the NT Planning Commission to genuinely consult with residents before finalising Area Plans for Inner and Mid Darwin. It consistantly denies this fact, by telling the public they do not know what they are talking about.
  9. The maverick decision of Planning Minister Tollner to approve subdivision of a small Freds Pass property, barely larger than two hectares, into two, when the huge area of adjacent zoning requires a two hectare minimum per lot. In this he overrid the DCA before it could make its recommendation to him.
  10. Rezonings and potential rezonings of Community Purposes land, for high rise residential purposes, in the Gardens Suburb, and compromising the Botanic Gardens in favour of a developer.

There was also a major concern about an expected eight new government bills of unknown content listed for the very last session of Parliament, before the election period starts.

The people ask the Northern Territory Government to put a halt to these disturbing decisions, and any more secret bills before the election.

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