Flagstaff Park

Flagstaff Park – is it a restaurant or not?

Flagstaff Park

On the drawings for Flagstaff Park consultation near item 14 there is a large shape almost as big as one of the Paspaley house blocks, what is this? PLan urge you make comment on the proposal which is being road showed at the moment.

In the spots for any comments please consider “No Restaurants on public land”. After all the last time public consultations where taken on this area there was an interesting spin on the survey results …

If you down load the information kit, note where the document identifies limited budget as one of the issues with the site, where you might ask did the money from Little Mindil go?

The email address for submissions is construction marketing which does worry a bit, marketing construction in a public park?

Nick Kirlew.

Public Consultation

The Northern Territory Government is to develop Flagstaff Hill (Myilly Point) as a public park for general recreational uses. A master plan concept has been prepared and the public are now invited to provide input to the final design. Your input to the development is valued and will help guide the final design.

The master plan concept, a brief outline of issues and opportunities and a questionnaire are located on the NT Government website www.nt.gov.au/flagstaffpark

Completed questionnaires and all written responses are to be submitted by Friday 27 February 2009 via email to: constructionmarketing.dpi@nt.gov.au or by Post: Attention Tim O’Neill, PO Box 61, Palmerston NT 0831

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