Malak Park

Fannie Bay and Malak Park Upgrades – comment required.

Community are being asked to comment on:

Football NT and Port Darwin Football Club are proposing the construction of a new change room and sporting facility at Fannie Bay Oval to better support users of the oval.

The proposed facility includes women’s and girl’s change rooms, female-friendly referee and parenting rooms, storeroom, office and canteen. These new facilities will support local women and girls’ involvement in soccer and other sport on the oval.

The facility plans and details of the proposal can be viewed on

Council has provided in-principle support to Football NT for the proposal. This support is subject to consultation with the community.

Football NT and City of Darwin are asking local residents, community organisations and users of Fannie Bay Oval to provide feedback on the proposal.  Feedback will be provided to Council to consider before giving final approval to the proposal.

Consultation will be open until 1 April 2022.

Attached is a fact sheet with more details about the proposal and ways to provide feedback.

Please feel free to distribute the attached information amongst your networks.




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