Exceptional Development Permit application for a Dual Occupancy

URGENT CALL OUT Closing Date midnight Friday, 24 August, 2018 – more details below.


1.     At present there is, on the internet, on the ‘NT Planning Notices/development applications online’ an Exceptional Development Application (EDP).

This is to allow a second building, and a subdivision, on an SD (Single dwelling zoned lot, and would not normally be allowed. This is Brinkin Lot 8857, at 7 Brinkin Terrace. The present size of the lot is 1200sm. Thus the subdivision would be a ‘dual occupancy’ resulting in two 600sm lots.  

2.    Planning is based on zoning, using appropriate types of land for particular uses.  Zones have different colours on maps. Compatible uses are arranged close to one another, and vice versa. Land ‘lots’ vary in size with their intended appropriate uses.

3.    Brinkin is a respected, well planned and established suburb, with a range of residential uses separated into different sections.   

This application is to subdivide one of the largest standard lots (1200sm) near the foreshore. Here big impressive homes and gardens are characteristic.

4.1    ‘The NT Planning Scheme  at Clause 5.1 (1) states that the primary purpose of Zone SD is to provide single dwellings on individual lots.’ …

[Note: ‘Undefined uses are prohibited in this zone.’]

4.2    The lots in this part of Brinkin being of a similar size – over 1000sm, to cut one in half, and build on it  would change the character of this part of the suburb.

4.3    Most SD’s in the whole Northern Suburbs are 800sm, or more.

4.4    One subdivision/dual occupancy here would start a precedent on similar lots which is not supported by the NT Planning Scheme, and does not have its endorsement. This could ultimately cause difficulties with infrastructure, and social impact.

4.5    The application is not in the public interest. Except for the immediate neighbours who were asked directly for their support, many do not support the proposed subdivision believing the lots would be too small for their environment. This is shown by the advertising signs on nearby homes.

Their signs say:    “LET US PRESERVE WHAT WE HAVE”

4.6    It is often said that planning should provide certainty. This is spot rezoning which does not fit any standard model – two anomalies.

4.7    Approving the application would almost certainly lower property values on Brinkin Terrace and Kuru Court.  Since Brinkin is regarded as one of the best real estate ‘locations’ in Darwin, a similar response could be expected with such densification of lots, in Hibernia, and/or Claymore.

4.8     Big established gardens and space, particularly handsome large front setbacks, contribute much to the impressive streetscape, character and amenity of Brinkin. In contrast at no. 7, the streetscape and the two lots would be crowded.

4.9    It is expected that the amenity in the adjacent lot in rear, on Claymore would be adversely affected.

4.10     SD’s are usually presumed to be family homes.  If there is to be rented commercially to several entities, difficulties with parking can be expected. Especially if there is provision only for no more than two off road parking spaces for each of the two SD’s.

4.11    Many local residents are not happy with how the application might affect them.

4.12    PLEASE NOTE: The NT Planning Scheme does not support ‘ Dual Occupancy ‘ as type of development.

[After a period for public consideration under an Interim Order by Minister Manison, NT Planning Scheme Amendment 483 of 6.10.2017, was issued. It deleted the provisions that would have allowed dual occupancy on Zone SD (Single Dwelling residential) lots.]  

5.    Submitting information

Closing Date Midnight Friday, 24 August, 2018

For personal emails use a pdf, and address to:

The Manager,
Urban Planning,
Development Assessment Services

OR if you prefer it:

The full details of the application  Exceptional Development Application(EDP) are at ‘NT Planning Notices/development applications online’  with a download.

There is a place there to submit your submission electronically, but it is a good idea to copy it before you send it.

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