lee point pausing

Darwin council’s motion to halt the development of Lee Point is cause for serious concern: Urban Development Institute

In response to the recent commentary by Catriona Tatam who is the chief executive of the Urban Development Institute of Australia NT.

The City of Darwin is to be congratulated for stepping up to bring awareness of a serious failure of the planning process to bring the community along with the development of Darwin.

As far as PLan can establish only 15 members of the public were aware that the 2015 “consultation” occurred. PLan spent three years trying to get Defence Housing Australia (DHA) to come to Darwin to discuss the project. Eventually a “suit” arrived and said they had no intention of discussing the development with community. I was at that meeting.

There is no area plan for Lee Point. There is a DHA drawn area plan for the development. This was accepted by Dave Tollner. NT government have never done a comprehensive area plan for Lee Point.

Catriona Tatam does highlight that “public consultation” is now a failed process. Witness the recent turning away of nearby residents from the Little Mindil community consultation process by that developer.

How sad to read the statement that the retention of bushland should be balanced against the need for new land for development. Did Berrimah farm change hands for a $1 or is that just a myth? How many homes can go onto that cleared land? Those homes would be along established transport and infrastructure. Travel times to defence facilities would be greatly reduced when compared to a potential suburb at Lee Point.

Lyons and Muirhead are the hottest places in Darwin. Lee Point was the coolest place in Darwin. Clear fell to lay bitumen is just out of date for the tropics, note the thousands of trees that are going into the city and surrounds now. Catriona Tatam seems to forget the 12,000 shorebirds and Casuarina Coastal Reserve which are placed at significant risk by this misadventure.

The plans for Lee Point have a tourist precinct with 8 story buildings. Are we to be grateful that this stage seems to have fallen off the table? The block sizes proposed for this development are clearly not suitable for tropical design.

As to the City of Darwin exercising it’s right to communicate with the government of the day over any issue it deems fit, I would have thought the Property Council would support the domcratic process. The City of Darwin will eventually be responsible for the resultant suburb.

Nick Kirlew

Convener PLan the Planning Action Network Inc


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