Convener’s Message

Welcome, Members, Supporters and Visitors to our New Website

Worldwide planning for community is now essentially recognised.  It is makes for feelings of well-being, community spirit, and cohesion,        instead of alienation and despair. Time and again our health and policing costs are affected by poor community planning.

Planning is much more than approving single buildings, although this is important too. It requires provision and maintenance of parks, public facilities, effective transport, and strong effective infrastructure, as well as residential, commercial and industrial development; and  having a sustainable environment.

The recognition and appreciation of home and place,  and  the maintenance of local character,  are important to the human psyche.

Freedom to enjoy our own lifestyle in the Northern Territory is so dear to us, that it is an almost perpetual topic of conversation. However, the essence of our lifestyle cannot be bought and sold by marketers and spin doctors. Residents rights deserve real respect.

Each us has a strong link with the natural environment which surrounding us here.  We must honour its features and systems in the way we plan. We must not allow our environment, including the magnificent Darwin Harbour,  to be trashed by impulsive and excessive over exploitation. Our people must not be adversely affected by the crowding and pollution many came here to avoid.

World populations and agencies have a new focus on the earth’s sustainability. Climate, renewable energy,  air quality, water resources, rising sea levels, world food and species conservation are topics of the day. They must all be considered in planning the human environment.

Consultation with the community is the key to successful planning.  Governments have got out of the way of timely, appropriate, consultation which allows the people to address the issues,  be heard, and responded. It takes more than a ‘One Stop Shop ‘ geared to developers for good planning.

This new website will help us let you know quickly and independently what is going on in planning. We will be less dependent on  media opportunities to get news out. We are working hard to make the website interactive, but our first task is to provide basic information and contacts.

At present Shop 23 is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-5pm.   It is a good idea to double check on 0466997023,  if you intend to visit.

We have no paid staff. Volunteers are urgently needed to extend the opening hours, and give key volunteers a break.  There are three rooms.  There are many current publications available for reference too. (Tea, coffee and biscuits always available to friends.)

If anyone could donate some pre-loved  ( or even new) suspension files it would help our work.

If you are thinking of joining, it is just $20 per year (Copy a Membership Form, and post it in.) Donations always welcome.

Best Wishes,

Convener -PLan: the Planning Action Network, Inc.

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