Category: News

  • Bayview Lots 5988 and 7433

    There is a current Planning Notices/Development Applications NT further application by Earl James and Associates to develop land at Bayview. It includes a proposed rezoning of some land. Total to create 19 lots. The application is similar to the previous one using marginal land, but adding a proposed rezoning of some currently FD (Future Development)…

  • Bundilla Beach Master Plan

    Bundilla Beach Master Plan

    City of Darwin, in collaboration with local architect firm Hames Sharley, have opened a stakeholder and community engagement process for the development of a masterplan for Bundilla Beach which will deliver a comprehensive plan for the area including short, medium and long terms goals. Consultation closes at 11:59pm on Sunday 12 November 2023, with construction…

  • Lee Point Golf Course

    Lee Point Golf Course

    Quick notes for ABC Radio interview 20/10/23 Ok, they have paid $14k a year to hold 85 hectares of Lee Point for 16 years, it seems no one from crown land ever insisted the course should actually be built. in 2020 members of the public picked up on the lease is up for renewal, so…

  • Bundilla Beach (Vesteys Reserve) RV Park

    Bundilla Beach (Vesteys Reserve) RV Park

    Sign the petition here: Bundilla Beach, previously known as Vesteys Beach, is an open, green space area of natural biodiversity with a large lagoon attracting a range of birds and wildlife on the edge of Darwin’s CBD. It is a peaceful place that attracts nature lovers, birdwatchers, local fishermen, cyclists, walkers and sunset viewers. Hugging…

  • Proposed Heritage Declaration – The Esplanade Darwin

    Proposed Heritage Declaration – The Esplanade Darwin

    The following letter is being broadcast by the Mayor of Darwin. Very concerning is the is the of “Commercial in confidence” (and not for the first time) by the Mayor in a matter that concerns all members of the community, why should information about our assets be withheld from us? Another red flag is the…

  • Heritage listing of Kahlin Compound with unnecessary conditions

    We are opposed to the adding of unnecessary conditions and inaccurate information to the proposal to heritage list the Kahlin Compound delaying the process. PLan recommends that the whole of existing Lot 6364, Town of Darwin, covering the correct location of the Old Hospital Site Lot, remains un-subdivided, rejecting suggested new residential developments facing Kahlin Avenue, and…

  • Bayview Lots 5988 and 7433, Town of Darwin Development Application

    Bayview Lots 5988 and 7433, Town of Darwin Development Application

    RALLY – Public Meeting Thursday 9th February 5:30pm at Latrobe Park, all welcome. In a Darwin wet season application, two poorly placed pink signs have appeared in Bayview. Residents have been given 2 weeks to comment on the rezoning to create an additional 21 lots mostly in the sub 500sqm size. Now that there is no public…

  • Volunteer Required – Project Officer – Part time

    Volunteer Required – Project Officer – Part time – reside in Australia Overview PLan: the Planning Action Network Incorporated Inc collaborates with resident and community groups on matters including the built environment, heritage, cultural and environmental values of concern in the Northern Territory and Australia. PLan’s aim is to achieve, for the community, sustainability in…

  • Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct

    Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct

    Closing October 2022 this consulation to quote: The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is seeking environmental approval for a ‘development ready’ industrial precinct on the Middle Arm peninsula. If approved, it may include low emission hydrocarbons, renewable hydrogen, minerals processing, carbon capture and storage and advanced manufacturing. The precinct would cover approximately 1500…

  • Old Asti Motel Site

    Old Asti Motel Site

    Make a submission You can make a submission by emailing You must sign your uploaded submission to ensure that it is valid under the Planning Act. A valid signed submission includes a hand-signed document that is scanned and/or photographed; a name typed at the bottom of an email or uploaded document; or a JPG (or similar)…