Category: Current Campaigns
Landbridge Hotel Subdivision 2017
A representation of the Landbridge Darwin Luxury Hotel on a brochure given to us at an ELTON consultation. It was clearly stated that it was early days, with a long way to go before finalisation. It was actually said that the hotel may not even look like this. Note the proposed use of the public…
Our Facebook page cover photo is of the colour-keyed zoning map for Darwin. Zoning is the very basis of professional planning. It is how our various land uses are arranged to work together in a compatible way. Each zone has its own NT Planning Scheme rules, and appropriate infrastructure. This includes, the several types of…
Flagstaff Park Development Proposal
Flagstaff Park (Lot 5180, Town of Darwin) is the public park (zoned PS- Public Open Space) on the top of the end of Myilly Point. It has l panoramic views of the Darwin Harbour, and is of history and heritage significance. The old ‘gardens’ are a remnant of Flagstaff House, which was a Vice Regal…
Welcome to PLan PLan – the Planning Action Network Inc is a volunteer community group working for better urban and rural planning in the Northern Territory. PLan collaborates with resident and community groups on matters including the built environment, heritage, cultural and environmental values of concern in the Northern Territory and Australia.PLan’s aim is to…
Support the Heritage Listing of the Kulaluk Lease, and Save the BUSH BLOCK
The land behind McDonalds and fronting Dick Ward Drive (off Fitzer Drive) is in imminent danger and could be lost forever, we urgently need your support. Share this content
Area Plans for Darwin’s Inner Suburbs
The NT Planning Commission expects that Darwin’s population to double in 40-50 years. The NT Government intends to densify by infill developments in Darwin’s Inner Suburbs, from Stuart Park to the Narrows. This is as well as the Darwin CBD doubling in size. Share this content
Membership & Donations
PLan is an incorporated voluntary organization working towards a better living environment. Our Financial year is from 1 July to 30 June each year. Membership is only $25 per year. 2025 year now open – renew or join now and receive membership to the middle of year 2025. Donations are always welcome if you can…