Category: Blog & Opinion
Have Your Say. Stop the Rot!
Too many secret Planning deals without consultation, have your say and stop the rot! It’s time to tell the government that they are for the people and need to listen. Sign the petition now! Share this content
CBD Height and density
Minister Lawrie has set in train a proposed amendment to the NT Planning Scheme to which we have twenty eight days to respond. The proposal is to have a 90 metre limit on buildings throughout the whole CDB and provide no setbacks. Details are on the NT Planning Notice website. There is a history behind…
Darwin CBD – Building Permit System
Question: Darwin CBD – Building Permit System Question Date: 10/06/2009 Member: Ms WALKER To: MINISTER for PLANNING and LANDS QUESTION Can you please update the House on what proposed changes to the Northern Territory permit scheme will mean to the Darwin CBD, and whether there have been any alternative policies put forward? ANSWER Madam Speaker,…
Defence of Darwin Museum
Is it a museum or a trivial tribute? [readon1 url=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106&Itemid=186″]Read More[/readon1] Share this content
Conveners Message
To me one of the many pleasures of living in the NT is sitting quietly with the Weekend Australian on a Sunday morning while the wildlife goes about its business in my garden. Share this content
2012 Tropical Garden Spectacular
Dear PLan Members, Supporters and Contacts, This is to remind you that the Tropical Garden Spectacular is on again this Saturday and Sunday, 2nd and 3rd June, 2012. It will be full of exhibits, competitions, innovations, and information presentations on the theme of sustainability, in the delightful atmosphere of Darwin’s George Brown Botanic Gardens. Too…
Anendo Report on Coastal Communities
Submission on the Inquiry into climate change and environmental impacts on coastal communities. Anendo-and-Coastal-Communities.pdf Share this content
Amenity Defined
PLan was part of the movement to have amenity defined. We would have preferred that the definition did not specify locality or building and continue to request its removal from the definition. Planning Act Section 3 Interpretation amenity, in relation to a locality or building, means any quality, condition or factor that makes or contributes…
2024 06 Smith Street Streetscape
This submission closes 3 July 2024. It took me a while to understand the graphics, the people in full pandemic suites were distracting, make sure you open the pdf here SmithStLandscape_-_For_Consultation.pdf to get the overhead view. Driving towards the mall from the roundabout, on the left and right a bike path will be introduced. It…
Media release regarding DHA Lee Point housing project
The community leaders, organisations and people below call for the resignation of the Board and senior officials of Defence Housing Australia (DHA). We also call for a transparent investigation by Work Safe NT, and the Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy and Water into repeated and ongoing breaches of relevant site safety legislation and Federal…