Ban fracking rally at Parliament House at 12 noon on Sunday, February 10th

Dear PLan friends, 

Protect NT Incorporated invite you to join us for a ban fracking rally at Parliament House at 12 noon on Sunday, February 10th.

Protect NT is an independent community group that was incorporated last September by Territorians determined to protect our land, water, climate and lifestyle. We consider onshore shale oil and gas fracking to be one of the greatest risks the NT currently faces and are determined to see it permanently banned.

The Northern Territory Legislative Assembly will be having their first sittings on February 12th. The last rally to ban fracking was almost a year ago, so it’s past time to remind our MLA’s that Territorians still want fracking banned in the NT. This rally will be the first of many actions planned by Protect NT Inc for 2019.

We would be grateful if you could please let your members, supporters and networks know about the rally. We need a strong start the year if we are to ban fracking before drilling resumes in mid-2019. 

For more information, contact me or visit our Facebook event here: 

Kind Regards,

Pauline Cass

Protect NT Inc

Ph.  0438686144

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