lee point

Lee Point Golf Course

Quick notes for ABC Radio interview 20/10/23

Ok, they have paid $14k a year to hold 85 hectares of Lee Point for 16 years, it seems no one from crown land ever insisted the course should actually be built.

in 2020 members of the public picked up on the lease is up for renewal, so began enquiries. The answer from NTG was nope the lease holders will get the land, don’t bother apply for the lease renewal.

The leaseholders have been meeting with members of the public explaining their plans for the site. We get 14 says to study over 400 pages. 

Lee Point is now a national issue. DHA have not shown how they are meeting the original environmental requirements for that adjoining development.

To the golf course, at $1m per hole the course is a very expensive undergoing for a city with multiple golf courses. With global warming will people be playing golf in Darwin in 10 years’ time?

There is mention of a mini golf course as part one. Is it reasonable that NTG should only release that much land? The lease calls for the first 9 holes to be constructed in a year. When that is built then the next stage can be looked at. Meanwhile let’s rehabilitate the land. This area is known for attracting flocks of Gouldian Finches. We need extensive planting of Darwin bloodwoods for tree hollows.

115 ha

The subject land has the following areas and road frontages: • Lot 9461 – an area of 85.79 ha and a frontage of approximately 667 meters to Buffalo Creek Road. Access to the golf facilities on Lot 9461 will be provided from a section of the side boundary of Lot 9289 which faces onto Buffalo Creek Road (in the north-east corner of Lot 9289). • Lot 9289 – an area of 29.59 ha and a frontage of approximately 775 meters to Lee Point Road which provides access to the caravan and camping park and hotel development.

Current lease terms

DATE REGISTERED Commencement Date: 28 March, 2019 Expiry Date: 27th March, 2023 LEASE GRANT/PURPOSE Crown Lands Act (and the Regulations) The development of a Golf Course and any ancillary uses; Lots 9461 + 9289 Town of Nightcliff to create one lot (subject to ‘the Act’ the Lessee will not use the Land for a purpose other than the Lease Purpose). The Lessee must, within 2 years from the Commencement Date obtain necessary approvals, licences, consents pertaining to the NT Planning Scheme and Planning Act. Must within 4 years develop a Golf course (Certificate of Compliance?)

Lease terms over the years 

CROWN LEASE TERM 973 Lot 9461 Town of Nightcliff from plan(s) S 93/239 Area under title is 85 hectares 7900 square metres. 

23/07/2018 906760 Correction to Register – Tenure Status changed from () to (K) 13/04/2017 885984 Variation – term extended to 16/04/2018 21/03/2016 866549 Variation – term extended to 16/04/2017 17/03/2015 845394 Variation – term extended to 16/04/2016 19/03/2014 818300 Variation – term extended to 16/04/2015 26/03/2012 768257 Variation – conditions varied and term extended to 16/04/2014 12/12/2008 688161 Variation – conditions varied End of Dealings Commencement Date: 17th April 2007 Expiry Date: 16th April 2018

 1. The purpose of the lease (the lease purpose) is 18-hole golf course, associated recreational uses and sewerage treatment ponds. 2.The annual rent for the lease (called the rent) will be $14,181.82 (fourteen thousand one hundred and eighty one dollars and eighty two cents) (GST Inclusive) subject to lease conditions 6,7 and 8.

 2. The Lessee will within six months from the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister for that purpose commence development of the first nine holes of the golf course in accordance with the lease purpose on the leased land to a value of not less than the sum of $1M (one million dollars) and the Lessee will complete the physical construction of the first nine holes of the golf course to a value of not less than the said sum within eighteen months of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister.

3. The Lessee will within 18 months from the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister for that purpose, commence development of the second nine holes of the golf course in accordance with the lease purpose on the leased land to a value of not less than the sum of $1M (one million dollars) and the Lessee will complete physical construction of the second nine holes to a value of not less than the said sum within thirty months of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister. 4. The Lessee will within nine months from the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister for that purpose, commence construction of the sewerage ponds to service the golf course and the caravan park and motel development on adjoining Lot 9289, Town of Nightcliff, in accordance with the lease purpose on the leased land and the Lessee will complete the construction of the sewerage ponds within eighteen months of the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister. 5. The Lessee will within one year from the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister for that purpose, commence landscaping associated with the development and the Lessee will complete the said landscaping within three years and six months of the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister.

11. The Lessee shall in respect of the land included in the lease, ensure that at all times and to the satisfaction of the Minister, the land is kept clean, tidy and free of weeds, debris, dry herbage, rubbish, carcasses of animals and other unsightly or offensive matter and harbour for insects, pests and the breeding of mosquitoes.

Conditions Varied: LTO Instrument 688161 registered on 12th December, 2008 to existing conditions. Delete Condition 2 and replace with: “2. The Lessee will within one year from the date of commencement of the lease or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister for that purpose, commence to erect improvements in accordance with Condition 1 on the leased land, to a value of not less than the sum of one million dollars ($1M) and the Lessee shall complete the erection of the said improvements to a value not less than the said sum by 16 April 2011 or within such further time as may be approved in writing by the Minister. Delete Conditions 3, 4 and 5. LTO Instrument 768257 registered on 26th March 2012.Variation to condition 2 by deleting “by 16 April 2011” and replace with “by 31 December 2013.” Variation to condition 7 by deleting “within four years of that date” and replace with “by 31 December 2012.” Variation to condition 8 by deleting “within four years of that date” and replace with “by 31 December 2012.”

An 18-hole golf course in two stages and including a driving range, putting & chipping greens. b) Support facilities including pro shop, player amenities such as toilets, locker rooms, kiosk and future Golf Club House building (likely in stages). c) Maintenance and golf cart storage facilities. d) A Mini-Golf course including support facilities such as toilets, storage areas, outdoor seating dining areas, locations for food vans etc. e) Associated access and carparking areas.

Initial estimates of the project value including the development of Mini-Golf, Golf Courses, Pro-shop and Golf Clubhouse suggest a project value of approximately $20million. This will need to be confirmed once more detail is obtained.

The areas of the Site as proposed for this development application are zoned -Organized Recreation (OR). Refer Clause 4.18 NT Planning Scheme 2020 – extract below with associated definitions.

Features of the landscaping master planning for the site include: • The retention of the sensitive rainforest area in the southeastern corner of the site. • Revision to the original golf course layout to allow additional natural revegetation to the area adjacent to Dam 1 and along the southern boundary of the site to provide a wildlife corridor – an area where sightings of the Gouldian Finch have been made in recent years. • Significant areas of the site including areas between the proposed golf fairways with retained or generally naturally revegetated landscaping. • The retention of existing natural vegetation and revegetation with mainly natural species on the site to minimize the water requirement across the majority of the site. • Use of recycled effluent and harvested natural stormwater runoff of the site collected into the 3 dams and providing the source of water for the site irrigation – thus providing a sustainable water usage for the site.

The environmental provisions made within the golf course development for increased natural landscaping (trees and appropriate areas of grassland) – particularly on the southern side of the site and adjacent to the dam in the SW corner of lot 9461. Refer to the updated EMP in Appendix D and the Concept Landscaping Plan in Appendix G.

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