Bundilla Beach (Vesteys Reserve) RV Park

Bundilla Beach (Vesteys Reserve) RV Park

Sign the petition here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/bundilla-rv-park-proposal/

Bundilla Beach, previously known as Vesteys Beach, is an open, green space area of natural biodiversity with a large lagoon attracting a range of birds and wildlife on the edge of Darwin’s CBD. It is a peaceful place that attracts nature lovers, birdwatchers, local fishermen, cyclists, walkers and sunset viewers.

Hugging the foreshore it is linked via a public access concrete walking path to East Point Reserve on the one side and Mindal Beach on the other or via the beach at low tide.

Bundilla is a Larrakia language word meaning ‘girl’ or ‘young woman’. On 20 March 2010 Vesteys Beach and a nearby creek, was renamed Bundilla Beach and Bundilla Creek respectively. The renaming to Bundilla recognises the continuing cultural significance of this site to the Larrakia Aboriginal people.

Vestey’s Meatworks, officially the North Australia Meat Company, was a slaughterhouse in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, built by Vestey Brothers between 1914 and 1917. Never profitable, it operated for three years before the company abandoned the venture in the aftermath of the Darwin rebellion. Most of the facility was demolished in 1957, but two large water tanks remain standing today, on what is now the site of the Darwin High School on Bullocky Point in the suburb of The Gardens. The beach to the north of Bullocky Point is called Vestey’s beach as a result of the meatworks. (Source Wikipedia)

This Petition is in response to the public announcement in April 2023 by the Lord Mayor of Darwin Hon. Kon Vatskalis, that he is planning to trial a commercially run RV Park on the foreshore of Bundilla Beach which is public land.

See below for images and more information.

Below is from the previous public meeting.

Darwin council is seeking public feedback on trialling a recreational vehicle park near Bundilla Beach (Vesteys Reserve) in Fannie Bay.

The consultation is online and closes 3 pm Friday 12 May 2023.

This is an abrupt about face on the use of this public space. In a recent survey community strongly indicated they were for preservation of the status quo in this area.


Visit the council site and read the Frequently Asked Questions, tell your neighbours and friends.


Planinc.org.au search Bundilla for current information. https://planinc.org.au/14-events/317-bundilla-beach-rv-park.html

Take the survey



Local MLA Electorate Office – Hon Brent Potter and City of Darwin Counselors, Amye Un, Mick Palmer and Paul Arnold.

RALLY – Public Meeting Sunday 7th May 5:30pm at Vesteys Beach Car Park, all welcome.

Here are some of the items of concern:

Council says: We’re committed to working with local businesses and industry to advance the Darwin economy. Implementing this trial would provide more accommodation options near the CBD in Darwin’s busy 2023 peak visitor period and is expected to support local businesses, creative industries and the visitor economy.

How does this trial support creative industries? This type of accommodation was removed from the inner city area and NTG have allowed, with no apparent objection by Council, the closure of the Malak caravan parks which have been rezoned into residential. If we are committed to van life then why allow closure of existing parks.

Council says: There will be a dump point installed during the trial period with costs borne by the successful applicant. Recreational vehicles using the space would be self-sufficient regarding water, washing, showering, and cooking needs.

What is a dump point? Toilets/showers/Rubbish

Council says: A caretaker being onsite would be dependent on the operator’s processes. In other words there may not be a caretaker.

Who is ensuring good behaviour and that wildlife is not encroached on by dogs/cats etc. Will the booking system require restricted access to the space? How will residents be able to park and use the area for dog walking and fishing? Will access through to the High School be maintained?

Council says: The site for the proposed trial is currently being used as a car park and has a bitumen surface. Guests at the proposed RV park would need to have fully self-contained RVs, including showers, toilets and kitchenette. City of Darwin’s by-laws relating to illegal camping, litter, lighting fires, broken glass and animal management will apply. Should the RV park trial proceed and an operator appointed to manage the park, they will be required to obtain a Permit to Occupy under the City of Darwin By-laws.

What will be process for selection? What are the redress opportunities. The Neuron scooter trials have been going for years, is this how we deal with our community assets?

Council says: Should the trial proceed and be found unsuccessful, the site will be returned to its current state. Should the trial proceed and be found successful, further assessments will be undertaken to determine whether a long term RV Park is suitable.

All this is based on the outcome of a two-week online survey? Recently Council surveyed the people who rent car parks at Darwin Esplanade and based on those car park consumers response Council then abandoned the City Deal to green the car park. What number of survey respondents would be deemed a community approval?

NOTES PREPARED BY MARGARET CLINCH ON: A proposed (possibly initially temporary) 20 van caravan park backing Bundilla(Vesteys Beach now being promoted by the Lord Mayor.

A. The proposed area specifies the zones PS(Public Space) and OR (Organised Recreation) – NOT CARAVANS

B. Immediately below is an extract from the NT Planning Scheme Part 4, is the permitted ZONE and conditions for CARAVANS, ie. CV’s

4.8 Zone CV – Caravan Parks
Zone Purpose
Provide for the development of caravan parks that cater for short term tourist accommodation and long-term residents and their needs.
Zone Outcomes
1. A mix of accommodation options such as caravan, tent and cabin
accommodation and, where ancillary, hotel/motel and rooming accommodation.
2. Small scale convenience retail and tourism services for guests, residents and visitors, including bar-small, food premises (restaurant and café/take-away), shop, and recreation facilities, which support the main accommodation purpose.
3. Other development such as community centre, leisure and recreation and place of worship, that:
1. (a) primarily support the needs of the residents of a caravan park;
2. (b) are of a scale and intensity compatible with the character and amenity of the locality; and
3. (c) wherever possible, are co-located with other non-residential activities in the locality.
4. Buildings are low rise and generally do not exceed two storeys or a height of 8.5 metres.
5. The design, operation and layout of development:
1. (a) makes a positive contribution to the locality by incorporating a high quality of built form and landscape design;
2. (b) is sympathetic to the existing streetscape, scale and character of surrounding development;
3. (c) provides a high level of amenity;
4. (d) ensures that there is no unreasonable loss of amenity for surrounding premises;
5. (e) provides safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access within the development and strong connections to external transport networks; and
6. (f) mitigates the potential for land use conflict with existing and intended surrounding development.
6. Development avoids or minimises adverse impacts on ecologically important areas through location, design, operation and management of the use and associated nfrastructure.

An extract from the Northern Territory Planning Scheme 2020 Part 4-23
7. Development does not impose unsustainable demands on surface water and groundwater.
8. Subdivision primarily provides for lot sizes capable of accommodating the uses expected in the zone.
9. Subdivision and development is connected to reticulated electricity, water and sewerage (where available), stormwater drainage, and telecommunication infrastructure.
10.Development that is not defined in Schedule 2 (Definitions) may occur only when assessment has determined that the development is appropriate in the zone, having regard to the purpose and outcomes of this zone and such matters as the location, nature, scale and intensity of the development.’

General list continues here at C:-

C. The proposed caravans would absolutely clash with the established built environment of Parap and Fannie Bay, and its resident – clash of amenity.
D. This area is no where near the CBD.
E. An earlier attempt to place the ”Throb nightclub’ even for a short time at East Point, was rejected by the NT Governrnent.
F. Atkins Drive is not built for heavier traffic.
G. Management and supervision would be required onsite.
H. Rubbish and sewerage would not be controllable
I Other people wanting prior normal access and use of this beach would object.
J. Day and night security would be insecure, including for alcohol, and food.
K. Water, power and sewerage are not available on site.
L. A further problem for the poiice force to attend.
M. Control of wandering children, pets, and the impact on wild environment section near the bowls club.
N . Soiling the beach.
O. Lack of shade.
Conclusion – Council has no true assessment of how much senior organisation and management would be required,
even for a short time.

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