Report on ‘Consultation’ on the Greening of the Esplanade Cenotaph, presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 25 October 2022

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 25 October 2022 [page 21+].



Authoriser: Attachments:

Executive Manager Marketing, Communications and Engagement Executive Manager Technical Services

Chief Executive Officer Nil


  1. THAT the report entitled Darwin Oval Car Park Consultation be received and noted.
  2. THAT Council, based on the outcomes of the consultation undertaken, endorse to retain the Darwin Oval Car Park site in its current form.


The purpose of this report is to provide information to Council on the results of the consultation process relating to the proposed greening of the Darwin Oval Car Park to support Council in deciding whether the site should be greened or retained in its current state.


  • In response to a Notice of Motion at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 24 November 2020, Council resolved to replace the existing Darwin Oval Car Park on The Esplanade with green space in line with Strategic Direction 3: A Cool, Clean and Green City (City of Darwin, 2030: City of People, City of Colour).
  • As part of the 2021 and in 2022 Municipal Plan and budget deliberations there was no funding endorsed/approved for the greening of the Darwin Oval Carpark by Council.
  • In April 2022 Council resolved to defer the replacement of the Darwin Oval Car Park on The Esplanade with a green space until consultation with key stakeholders was undertaken and the outcomes considered
  • In September 2022, key stakeholder consultation was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the preferences and aspirations of key stakeholders for the future use of the Darwin Oval Car Park.
  • Carpark permit holders indicated via response or via by exclusion that they all support the retention of the space as a car park.
  • Only 3 of the key users/stakeholders responded to request to provide comment and 2 of these indicated to green the space.

Item 14.3

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 25 October 2022


The car park, as well as accommodating public parking, it is used as a hard stand for public events, including the Greek GleNTi and the Bombing of Darwin and ANZAC Day commemoration services. It is also understood the site area holds cultural significance to the traditional owners of the Darwin region, the Larrakia people.

In September 2022, letters were sent to the Darwin Oval Car Park permit holders (15 holders), as well as the key stakeholders (10) to gain an understanding of recipients’ preferences for the use of the Darwin Oval Car Park site:

Should their preference be to convert all or part of the site into green space, recipients were asked to share their aspirations and requirements for the use of the site in this capacity.

Recipients were also advised that any program of works to convert the site into a green space would be subject to a budget approval process to commit public funds to the project, and that there were no other development proposals for the site at the time of contact.

Permit holders were advised that non-response being provided by the consultation closing date would be considered as support to retain the site as a car park.

Results of the consultation are as follows:

Response received – Carpark holders

Response received – Key Stakeholders

Retain as car park

3 (retain)

3 (1 retain & 2 green)


Response Percentage

Nil response received – Carpark holders

12 (retain carpark)


Nil response received – Key Stakeholders



Convert to green space



Key Stakeholders (no response) – Unable to determine



Key Stakeholders

Permit holders

Did respond

Did not respond

Of respondents, car park

Of respondents, green space

Did respond

Did not respond

Of respondents, car park

Of respondents, green space

30% 70% 33.3% 66.6%
Further to an extract of the report presented to Council on 26 April 2022, it was provided that;

The estimated cost of “greening” the Darwin Oval Car Park is $1,140,000, with the estimated ongoing maintenance cost at $20,000 per Financial Year. There is currently no funding for these works within Council’s Budget or Long-Term Financial Plan.


80% 100% 0%

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 25 October 2022

The Darwin Oval Car Park consists of 73 parking bays, composed of 54 general, 17 reserved and two disabled parking bays. This Car Park is heavily utilised, with an estimated revenue of $324 and $111 per day from the general and reserved parking bays respectively. This equates to a total revenue of approximately $435 per day or $108,750 per annum (assuming two weeks of free parking over Christmas/New Year). This car parking stock and income would be lost through its “greening”.

Carpark permit holders indicated via response or via by exclusion that they all support the retention of the space as a car park.

Only 3 of the key users/stakeholders responded to request to provide comment and 2 of these indicated to green the space.


At the 26 April 2022 meeting Council resolved:



Moved: Councillor Jimmy Bouhoris Seconded: Councillor Paul Arnold

  1. THAT the report entitled Darwin Oval Carpark be received and noted.
  2. THAT the “greening” of the Darwin Oval Car Park, The Esplanade be deferred, to enable consultation with key stakeholders, consideration of the impacts as outlined in this report and to identify project funding and that a report return to Council by 2nd Ordinary in August.

In Favour: Councillors Paul Arnold, Jimmy Bouhoris, Sylvia Klonaris, Brian O’Gallagher, Mick Palmer, Peter Pangquee, Vim Sharma, Ed Smelt and Amye Un

Against: Councillors Justine Glover, Morgan Rickard and Rebecca Want de Rowe


At the 24 November 2020 meeting Council resolved:

Council Resolution ORD395/20 – 2nd Ord Council Meeting – Open – 24 November 2020 – Notice of Motion – Darwin Cenotaph Carpark Greening

13.1 Notice of Motion – Darwin Cenotaph Carpark Greening

I, Alderman Justine Glover, give notice that at the next Ordinary Council Meeting on 24 November 2020, I move the following motion:


  1. THAT Council approve that the existing carpark at the Esplanade be replaced with a green, open space to support the transformation of the city centre into a greener, cooler, walkable city, whilst ensuring access and support for military and community events.
  2. THAT Council consult with the Larrakia Nation to discuss impact on surrounding cultural sites.
  3. THAT Council receive a report on landscaping option the existing carpark at the Esplanade.
  4. THAT Council approve that funding for the development of an application/podcast to

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 25 October 2022

enable a visitor to capture the historical importance of the area be considered at the next budget review.



3 A Cool, Clean and Green City

3.1 By 2030, Darwin will be recognised as a clean and environmentally responsible city



Is Funding identified:

Existing Position No:

Engagement plan was developed and

implemented by City of Darwin staff. Contractor: NA



None identified


Strategic Direction 3: A Cool, Clean and Green City


Engagement Level: Consult
Letters to Darwin Oval Car Park permit holders. Letters to key stakeholders.
Variety of City of Darwin staff across hubs. External:

Darwin Festival, Larrakia Nation, Palm City Resort, Deckchair Cinema, Greek Orthodox Community of North Australia (Greek Glenti), NT Planning Commission, Australian Defence Force, RSL Darwin and Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.

Darwin Oval Car Park permit holders.


The report author does not have a conflict of interest in relation to this matter.

The report authoriser does not have a conflict of interest in relation to this matter.

If a conflict of interest exists, staff will not act in the matter, except as authorised by the CEO or Council (as the case requires).

Item 14.3 Page 24 

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