deckchair cinema

From the Deckchair Cinema

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Important Members Announcement

The future of Deckchair Cinema is under threat by a proposed development

Image showing the proposed lot for the development highlighted in red and the Deckchair Cinema highlighted in green, adapted from
Dear Susanne,I am writing to inform you that Deckchair Cinema, one of Darwin’s most iconic and loved attractions, is under threat. The Darwin Film Society has been made aware of a proposed development on the car park at the top of the stairs beside Deckchair Cinema. Having carefully considered the proposal, it is clear that the development would cause ongoing severe noise disruption to the cinema. Showing movies without noise disruption is crucial to the cinema and it is likely that the Deckchair Cinema will no longer be able to operate if the development proceeds.The Deckchair Cinema is an iconic landmark and is part of the cultural fabric of Darwin. It attracts over 45,000 visits to the Darwin city centre each year and brings massive economic and community benefits to Darwin.

A clear mandate was set by Darwin community that development of public space should not negatively impact the cinema. In 2016 the public response to the announcement of the luxury hotel development that threatened Deckchair Cinema resulted in the decision being overturned and the development being relocated. The community understood the negative impact that the development would have on the Cinema.

Here is a link to our letter to council to be tabled at the council meeting on Tuesday 25th February.


Yours sincerely,
Jeff Coulter
Chair of the Darwin Film Society

How Can I Help?

If you are concerned about Darwin losing the Deckchair Cinema, then there are lots of ways you can help.

Contact your elected representatives

Voice your concerns at the Pre-Council Meeting Public Forum

  • An open public forum is held monthly before the 2nd Ordinary Council meeting at the Civic Centre, Darwin City. This Tuesday, 25 February – 5:00pm

Other ways to help

  • If you have experience in Planning Law, Public Relations, Advocacy or Engaging with Government and Council and would like to help then please get in touch by replying to this email or calling the office on 08 8941 4377

What We Know About the Development

We have been shown proposed plans for development, it comprises of;

  • A two level building that would fill the current car park space
  • The top floor would house an RSL club
  • The bottom floor would have a restaurant or cafe
  • There would be underground parking below the building
  • There would be a large cantilevered decking area hanging out over the cliff
  • The development would be roughly 90 meters behind the screen at Deckchair Cinema in the audience’s direct line of sight
  • The RSL are also considering other sites, including the site that they own on Cavenagh Street.
The distance from the screen to the edge of the proposed developed area. Measurement is taken from the NTG natural resource maps website and can only be considered an estimate –

Only one location for Deckchair Cinema

Deckchair Cinema occupies a unique location that matches its complex requirements. There are many locations available for the RSL, including the large number of vacant commercial lots in the CBD. The RSL also own their previous site on Cavenagh Street and plan to rebuild there. This must be considered before jeopardizing an iconic landmark like the Deckchair Cinema.

How Noise Disturbance Impacts Deckchair Cinema

Deck Bar is roughly 230 meters away, behind a cliff and has no direct line of sight to Deckchair Cinema. We have worked with Deck Bar over the years to reduce the disruption but despite this there has been ongoing noise disturbance for our customers. The proposed development is in a direct line of sight, only 90 meters away and will be severely disruptive.

Parliament house is the same distance away as the proposed development. When people have drinks on a balcony at Parliament House with no music, simply talking enthusiastically is enough to disrupt the patrons at Deckchair Cinema. We work with Parliament house to reduce disruption from these events that tend to happen only a couple of times a year and generally only last for 20 or 30 minutes. If the development goes ahead there will likely be disruption every night of the season.

Contact Deckchair CinemaInfo Line:
08 8941 4377Box Office:
During the Deckchair Cinema season (mid-April until mid-November) we are open nightly from 6.00pm.

During Flix in the Wet (Sundays, January thru March) our remote Box Office at BCC Cinemas, Darwin city opens 30 minutes before sessions start.

We can’t take phone or in-person bookings outside of these times. Bookings are also possible online.

Postal Address:
PO Box 3008, Darwin NT 0800

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