Closing today is the Darwin Area Plan Stage 2


Please see below from Margaret, closing today is the Central Darwin Area Plan.

There is a survey here you can fill out: OR we recommend an email directly to

Please consider what you have learnt from previous government efforts in the city. As usual it is just common sense that is required …

This is closing today, so please get your skates on.


Nick Kirlew


Dear Friends,

Here we are again, on the last day another ‘NTG Have Your Say Consultation’. It is due to go in to the NT Planning Commission. 

My aim here has been toastier quickly as possible provide what I see as an overview of the CDAP proposal, and suggest some possible comments and questions you might  possibly choose from if you are submitting today, or over the weekend.

Email any submissions to:  ’’. Hope this helps !


This one is called the Central Darwin Area Plan Stage 2, and it is very important  as a proposed framework for the  future planning of Central Darwin, or the CBD, and the area around it.

The information, and earlier versions are to be found on the internet at :  ‘NT Planning Commission’ in the section headed ‘Central Darwin Area Plan’. 

In this we are being asked to look and comment upon   the DRAFT CENTRAL AREA PLAN (22.1mb)-62 pages, and as background the DRAFT NEEDS ASSESSMENT.


As you probably know the NT Planning Commission has, for there last few years been busy preparing AREA PLANS as future models for various areas of the NT.

What it has not told you is that these are indicative and not binding. However, developers and sometimes the DCA seem to count them as gospel, and this has caused a lot of headaches for the community. 

This is because their central core is based on commercial activity centres and how to render them viable with adjacent denser residential clusters. This is the essential pattern.


Another important factor in tis CDAP is that it is dominated by the COMPACT POLICY of development imposed upon us by David Tollner as Planning Minister in the dying days of the CLP Government.

This is a southern cities policy crowding populations close to activity centres, theoretically to avoid the urban sprawl issues that cause worrisome problem. In the southern capitals, but not here in our open tropical frontier.

Obviously this is commercially beneficial for developers, but … is it the right thing here ?


These documents are well set out, with introductions and maps, explaining various planning themes as they apply to the central area covered, and then addressing what are identified as parts of the centre area overdue for change, as FOCUS points.

This is quite informative, with issues such as heat addressed.  The Draft Central Area plan document consists of 62 pages, including FOCUS POINTS.  

The idea is that comments coming in at this round will be considered in the draft, and then the new document will be recommended to the Minister to be endorsed through the NT Planning Commission processes. This of course will have serious implications for the future of Darwin.


The problem about simply supporting this Draft Central Darwin Area Plan is that it reads like a fairy story, and that everything will come out well for us.

The history of the last twenty five years shows that we cannot expect it to come out rosy in terms of planning for the community, because it has never has in the past.

That is why we need to make some relevant points and questions now as strongly as possible. These are but a few of the concerned.



6.1        What future year is the CDAP based upon for its fruition?

6.2       The commentary offered by the CDAP is too reassuring when compared with what has happened in the past.

6.3       Where is there a wholesome support for heritage? Historically this is not true. How would the planners achieve this counter to NTG policy in the CBD?

6.4        Aboriginal sympathies are indicated theoretically, but not in the case of One Mile Dam

6.5       Why did the planning team not meet with the residents of One Mile Dam.

6.6       Where are the extra parks to support the accelerated population growth envisaged by this CDAP. Car parks with trees are not walkable parks.

6.7       Why has green space been lost in the building of Barneson Boulevard? What benefit is there?

6.8       When and how will the devastation caused by the construction of Barneson Boulevard be eradicated.

6.9       There are inconsistencies between various parts of the document, eg. The broad descriptions of the PO site as generally educational and civic when elsewhere

A Council Chamber indicated without its name being exposed.

6.10     The artist’s impressions all over Central Darwin illustrations cause great concern 


6.11     Pediments and greening buildings does nothing to improve urban design at a street level.

6.12 There is no substitute for a living environment. What barriers will be established for no more loss of living environment?

6.13     There are too many options listed for the land uses of many of the FOCUS  sites, like the Tank Farm eg. Sport and residential. Options are too open.

6.14     Specific use development zones should be avoided.

6.15     Mixed use zoning has been overused

6.16 One CDAP for the whole are is not sufficient.   There are areas of different character

6.17     Use of foreshores by the public must be protected.

6.18     Flag Staff Park at the end of Myilly Point is zoned for the public. In the media it was promised to the public by Chief Minister Clare Martin when she was elected.          

6.19     There should be no housing on the Old Hospital site.  The public has waited a generation.  

6.20     The existing Area Plan at the Waterfront should be honoured that so that there is a public park on the foreshore in front of the Luxury Hotel, not just access.

6.21     Heritage listed Hughes Avenue and Goyder Park should not be overlooked by an unnecessary Sky Walk.

6.22 Little Mindil should come back to the people as an open space. It was never intended for development.

6.23     The public must be consulted before any significant new developments are progressed.

6.24     There should be no building in front of the Darwin Escarpment at the Waterfront because it spoils the image of Darwin as cruise ships arrive.

6.25  CBD buildings should have setbacks at street level.

6.26  Buildings in Smith Street should be made to honour setbacks consistent with Marrakai.

6.27     As the public was not involved in the City Deal arrangements, it is not implicit that these proposed developments have their approval.

6.28     Work should be initiated to improve the entrance to Darwin along the Stuart Highway.

6.29     The Botanic Gardens should be expended, and THE Gardens conflicts resolved.

6.30 The NT Planning Scheme COMPACT POLICY should be suspended in view of the current population changes.

6.31 Affordable Housing should be initiated in the core CBD

6.32     Work should begin on consolidating small lots in the Core CBD with absentee landlords. 

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