Developing the North: Supporting Jobs through the Contemporary Management of Pastoral Land

Developing the North: Supporting Jobs through the Contemporary Management of Pastoral Land

15 August 2018

Today, the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly is debating proposed amendments to the Pastoral Land Legislation Amendment Bill 2017, in a bid to ensure the contemporary management of pastoral estates.

Subleasing arrangement were introduced as part of the amendments in October 2017. 

However, the Territory Labor Government has made the decision to progress the Bill without the sublease provisions, to allow more time for discussions with stakeholders and for workable models to be developed for increased native title rights and to maximize agricultural jobs and the economic prosperity of the North.

The key amendments proposed in this Bill address a new pastoral lease rent methodology, and address administrative anomalies and prescribe limitations that affect the composition of the Pastoral Land Board. 

The Territory Labor Government is continuing discussions with the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) and land councils to progress models for granting non-pastoral use permissions on pastoral land that recognise the rights of native title holders.

Quotes from Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Eva Lawler.

“The Territory Labor Government is developing the North and ensuring we are maximising economic benefit from the Territory’s pastoral estate, but we need to ensure this is done in a fair and equitable way.

“The effective management of the Territory’s pastoral estate is key to maintaining our natural and cultural resources and providing for sustainable economic development into the future. 

“These amendments will allow for our pastoral estates to be managed more effectively.

“We have been talking through these issues with both land councils and the NTCA and they have also been considered by the independent Economic Policy Scrutiny Committee, which recommended better protecting the rights of native land holders.

“The Territory Labor Government is progressing subleasing in the Pastoral Land Act but this is contingent on agreement on a model for increased procedural rights for native title holders in the issuing of a non-pastoral use permit.”

Media contact:Kim Stephens 0417 683 144

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