
2012 Tropical Garden Spectacular

logo-tropicalgardenspectDear PLan Members, Supporters and Contacts,

This is to remind you that the Tropical Garden Spectacular is on again this Saturday and Sunday, 2nd and 3rd June, 2012.

It will be full of exhibits, competitions, innovations, and information presentations on the theme of sustainability, in the delightful atmosphere of Darwin’s George Brown Botanic Gardens.

Too Good to be missed, and a great opportunity to catch up with old friends.

Full details at www.greenlivingfest.com.au.

PLan’s Stall is number 7, which is about the middle of the row of stalls running parallel with the main entrance road running up from the main front gates. It will include the Friends of Mitchell Creek as well.


  1. Invite you to come and enjoy the great outdoors, and learn more about tropical sustainability.
  2. Invite you to catch up with us for a chat at the PLan stall, You can tell us what you think about local community planning in your area.
  3. Invite you to volunteer for share in the roster on the stall, for an hour or two, on Saturday or Sunday. If you can help out, particularly to relieve for lunch, please let us know.

Please ring 89271999, or email

Look forward to seeing you there.

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