Find out what is happening around the community

Be prepared!  Residents need to be aware of how planning changes can affect their own way of life, quite suddenly.

Be alerted to what development or planning applications are being made in your immediate area by this handy website – just type in your address and you will receive an email alerting you to any application made within a 2 km radius of your address.

The NT Government’s new current policy of densification for Darwin and Greater Darwin,  increases the chance of such unwelcome changes. People need to be ready to respond, having the right knowledge to react positively. They need  a better understanding of the planning system.

Too often, pink and yellow notices seen on site are ignored. Then it is too late to be involved.  If you see these notices, there is little time to act. We can usually help.

PLan aims to provide people with a better understanding of the NT Planning Scheme, and the planning system. Major sources of NT planning information are found at, and on from there.

Residents should not be shy about phoning the  Department  of Planning, through the NT Government switch (89995511), or contacting their local electorate office (see our website for the list), writing to the NT News, or contacting other media. These actions are part of our democratic right in the NT.

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