Arafura Harbour

In a lull in CBD development a proposal was made by Even Lynn of Gwelo Investments and Hans Vos to develop a huge canal estate from East Point to Coconut Grove. There was a huge organised public reaction against this, until the Chief Minister Paul Henderson announced that because the land involved is crown land the development could not go ahead.

Looking at the tidal mouth of the Ludmilla Creek is seems an unlikely development, which was claimed to be ten times as large as Cullen Bay which has not been without its problems.

Canal estates are banned in NSW and Victoria, and strongly limited in Queensland and WA. They have had major and costly environmental impacts, some of which are not apparent until long after they are built.

They are particularly questionable in times of global warming, stormy weather, sea rise, flooding events, and increased storm surge risk. A recent special Commonwealth report has detailed these negative implications.

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