1 Boulter Road


If you make a submission please do, by the cut off date of 11 December, 2020.

Please make your submission individual, including your name and address, and email if you have one.

The more individual submissions the better. They all need to be different.

For your possible interest, I attach here a link to the submission prepared on this application

by the Rapid Creek Land Care Group. This is a public document, and they are happy for anyone to make use of it.

It contains a lot of information.



The application is for permission to subdivide the land on Section 04106, at 1 Boulter Road, Berrimah into 36 lots for housing, with one park lot.

The site measures 7.44 hectares, and is at the corner of Amy Johnston Avenue and Boulter Road.

The land consists of three land use zones. These are Conservation (CN), Rural Residentia l(RR) and Low Density Residential (LR) each occupying about one third of the big lot.

You could access a full copy of the application by searching on Google using keywords ‘Developing applications online – Northern Territory’, then ‘Planning Notices’.  You could instead use ‘www.ntlis.nt.gov.au//planning/ita/dar/list.

Next clicking the VIEW PROPOSAL button downloads all six sections of the application.

This may be more information than you want, as this application itself is very complex, and confusing.

If you wish, you may use the MAKE SUBMISSION button to make your submission online.

Also make yourself a copy of your submission before you send it off. (Ask for an acknowledgement).

Otherwise, you can use a PDF email, and send it to Development Assessment Services (DAS) at das.ntg@nt.gov.au.

Prepared submissions can also be hand delivered to:

First Floor Desk,

Energy House,

18-20 Cavenagh Street,

GPO Box 1680,

Darwin, NT 0801


I hope this long list can  help you make up a submission in time.

No response to the geographical situation of this land in a large catchment.

Poor physical layout of the proposed estate.

Focus is on over exploitation.

No empathy with the natural environment.

Lack of understanding of flood prone land inside and outside the Section.

Ignorance of the context of the Rapid Creek Catchment.

NTEPA should be involved in assessing the natural environment.

Conservation Zone should not be split  between RR owners’ lots.

The layout of the  RR and LR lots does not at all comply with the biting insects restriction.

Natural areas of the Conservation Zone cannot  be reduced for any purpose.

Conservation zone, including should be excised to public ownership as the ‘Marrara Wetland’.

Natural systems should be preserved.

No retention ponds to be built in the Conservation area.

No vegetation except weeds to be removed.

On Lot 04106 trees should be retained as much as possible.

NT Land Clearing Guidelines must be complied with.

Recommendations on land clearing too damaging because of mitigation ideas..

Concerns about water management on and off the site.

Remedying 0.15m 1% AEP Depth on 80% of Section 04106 surface, sounds very expensive.

Water run off down Rapid Creek must be clean.

Huge  additional water runoff from 36 roofs, and new extra hardstand.

Flooding of Rapid Creek is already occurring at  the Trower Road Bridge.

Clearing is continuing on International Airport land for commercial purposes.

Huge government moneys have  been used on flood mitigation study for the catchment and houses in Rapid Creek Road.

Compliance is required with the Rapid Creek Management PLan.

The proposed roads are too narrow, and some other measurements may be  questionable.

The Berrimah North Area Plan requires properly controlled run-off to avoid erosion and sediment.

An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) is required.

The Berrimah North Area PLan describes Boulter Road to be the FRONT STREET of a neighbourhood.

No Commercial  neighbourhood yet exists, and  there are not even any footpaths or bus stops in Boulter Road.

Neither is this present proposed layout conducive to creating an interactive neighbourhood with cosy shady places where families can gather, out of the sun. The present developments lack interest.

Nothing should occur until there is justice done by rehabilitating this land, No 1 Boulter Road after it was illegally cleared without NT Government penalty in 2014.

Please share with others if they are interested, but ask them to always send different submissions.

We would like  to receive copies of some of your submissions.

Best Wishes


PLan: the Planning Action Network, Inc.


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